
Google to invest in AI reporters

Google投資「AI記者」 每月產出3萬則新聞

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing

Google will pay the British new agency Press Association US$805,000 (NT$ 24.15 million) as part of a project to develop an AI system capable of writing news stories, with the goal of creating 30,000 local news stories per month.


According to the British newspaper the Guardian, Google’s Digital News Initiative (DNI), which aims to support innovation in European digital journalism, will provide a grant of US$805,000 to help Press Association develop an AI system that can automatically produce news stories by compiling information issued to the public by parliament, law enforcement agencies and other government bodies.


The project, which is to be carried out next year, will be named Reporters And Data And Robots (RADAR). It will cover a wide range of topics, including crimes, health and employment. In addition to writing the news, the AI system will also select photos for the story.


The grant includes expenses for hiring five human reporters, whose job will be to verify the news sources, select the news to be covered by the AI system and edit their stories.


In fact, the Associated Press began using the AI software to produce stories on companies’ seasonal financial reports in 2014.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/07/16/2003674628