
HTC withholds cash dividend

宏達電虧損 股利連兩年掛零

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English
HTC Corp. recorded a net loss per share of NT$12.81 in 2016 and, for a second year running, the company will issue no dividends to shareholders, following a decision at a recent directors’ board meeting announced on Monday last week. HTC has also fixed June 15 as the date for the company’s next annual general meeting.

宏達電去年度稅後每股虧損十二點八一元,上週一公告董事會決議, 針對二?一六年度將不配發股利,宏達電已連續兩年股利為零;宏達電並敲定將於六月十五日召開股東常會。

In recent years, HTC’s turnover has hit rock bottom due to stiff competition in the smartphone market and its transitioning to a new business model. In 2011, a peak year in turnover for the company, dividend per share reached a high of NT$40, but plummeted to NT$2 the following year. In 2013, HTC posted a net loss per share of NT$1.6 and no dividend was issued to shareholders.


At a recent investor conference, HTC said it aims to turn the situation around with a brand new strategy this year, which will focus on three core business areas: cutting-edge VR, Power by HTC and its existing smartphone business. Similar to operating as an ODM phone manufacturer, Power by HTC will seek partners to cooperate in the design and manufacture of smart devices as a way to expand its business and generate higher profits.

為求翻身,宏達電在法說會上說明,今年將有全新策略出擊,包括定調VR、Power by HTC、HTC手機三大業務,其中Power by HTC 類似手機代工業務,將攜手夥伴打造創新智慧產品,拓展更多業務,並以獲利為目標。

Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/print/2017/03/14/2003666696