
15Mins Live Podcast - 年貨大街新年特別節目Chinese New Year Special Episode

· 15minsLive直播,15mins部落格



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當天天氣超完美,我們直播完後還有通勤家族來用前一週口播的通關密語,現場拿新年禮盒與小禮品。當天也是我的生日,所以選了這天來做直播,來讓這天 extra memorable!

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告訴大家,通勤學英語Podcast,過年還是會持續播出新的跟讀文章,15Mins Live 則會在2/7號回歸喔。


John老師、Peddy、與Angel 祝你新年快樂,虎年福虎生風~

農曆年特別節目- 採買年貨對話稿

Angel: 老闆,我想要買這個開心果。 How much is this ? (pointing at pistachio)

John: 這個一台斤是100元。 This is 100 dollars per catty.

Angel: 這包分量是多少? And how much is a pack?

John: 這個一包是一台斤。 Each pack is a catty, so it’s NT100 per pack

Angel: 請問有折扣嗎? Is there any discount for Chinese New Year?

John: 當然,你想要多少?如果你買三包,我可以送你一包。 Sure! How many packs do you want? If you buy three packs, I will give you one for free.

Angel: 那如果我只要一包呢?What if I only want one pack?

John: 一包的話,我可以打八折。I can give you 20% discount for one pack.

Angel: 好的,那給我3包。 Then, I will buy three packs, thank you!

John: 這是你的商品總共300元,謝謝惠顧,新年快樂。 That will be NT300 please. Thank you for your business. Wish you a Happy Chinese New Year!


  • How many packs did Angel get? (buy 3 GET 1)
  • How much is the discount for one pack?
  • What are some snacks to buy from Dihua Street?