Hello通勤家族,歡迎收聽15mins Live Podcast直播,在這個新單元可以聽到直播過程中,我的主題分享以及聽眾互動。在這個單元我會用中英文與大家互動,也會跟直播聽眾做當場的 Q and A,幫助解惑與點出學英語的技巧。
1. 台灣職場文化與外國/外商職場文化大不同
- 揣摩上司意思 Vs. 就事論事
- 追求群體同步 Vs. 個人主義
- 權力集中 Vs. 權力下放
2. NG Email 寫法
- 先解釋來龍去脈,再寫重點
- 內部(同事之間) email寫法與外部(對客戶)email不分
3. NG日常互動
- 不主動打招呼
- 不接受同事/長官的稱讚
4. NGPresentation
- 每張ppt都滿滿的字(講者直接念出ppt上的文字)
- 簡報時用詞太直接 e.g. We didn’tmeet the sales target in June Vs. We are just short of reaching the salestarget in June.
5. 加分英文與例句
- 打招呼的回應So so / nothing much 換成 I am doing good/ Things are going well / I had a lovely weekend with the family.
- 請求幫助 I want/I need… 換成 I would liketo… / Would you please…
- I don’t know / Not sure 換成 Can I get backto you on that? Let me get the data for you after this meeting.
- 聽不懂時,Could you say that again? 換成 Do you mean…? / Would you like me to…?
- ASAP換成 at your earliest convenience / byFriday afternoon 2pm.