
15Mins Live Podcast直播 - 職場系列 – 有衝突的情境說什麼What to say when you get in an argument

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職場系列 – 有衝突的情境說什麼What to say when you get in an argument

Scenario #1: You have a criticism to offer. Perhaps you disagree with the popular perspective or perhaps you’re talking to someone more powerful than you. 你有一個批評要提出。也許你不同意流行的觀點,或者你正在和比你更強大的人交談。

You can say:

“Sam, I want to understand what we’re trying to accomplish with this initiative. Can you go back and explain the reasoning behind it?”

“What are we trying to get done here?”

“If I understand you correctly, you’re trying to accomplish x, y, and z. I’m wondering if there’s a different way to approach this. Perhaps we can…”

Scenario #2: You have bad news to deliver to your boss or another coworker. You missed a deadline, made a mistake, or otherwise screwed up. 你有壞消息要告訴你的老闆或其他同事。你錯過了最後期限,犯了一個錯誤,或者以其他方式搞砸了。

You can say:

“I have some news to share that I’m not proud of. I should’ve told you sooner, but here’s where we are.”

Then offer solution “These are my ideas about how we might address this. What are your thoughts?”

Scenario #3: You approach a coworker about something he or she messed up. 你接近一個同事,談論他或她搞砸了的事情。

You can say:

“Mary, can I have a moment to talk to you about something?” then describe what happened.Then describe what happened.

“I’m a little confused about what occurred and why it occurred. I want to discuss it with you to see how we can move this forward.”

Use phrases like: “I understand that X happened…” ; “What can we do about this?”

Scenario #4: You approach a colleague about feeling mistreated or you’re upset about something he or she said. 你接近同事,說你感到受到虐待,或者你對他或她說的話感到不安。

You can start by saying:

“Carl, It’s a little bit awkward for me to approach you about this, but I heard that you said X. I don’t know whether it’s true or not. Regardless, I thought I should come to you because I’m pretty upset and I thought we should talk about it.”

“I want to understand what happened so that we can have a conversation about it.”

“I’m not talking about what you intended. I thought it was better to clear the air, rather than stewing about it. Would you agree?”

Scenario #5: A colleague yells at you because of something you said or did. 一位同事因為你說過或做過的事情而對你大喊大叫。

You can say:

“I realize that I’ve done something to upset you. I don’t respond well to being yelled at. Can we sit down when I can be better prepared to have a conversation about this?”

Scenario #6: You’re managing someone who engages in conflict regularly and is annoying or upsetting the other people on your team. 你正在管理一個經常發生衝突的人,並且惹惱或惹惱了團隊中的其他人。

You can approach this person like this:

“I like having you around because from where I sit, you raise important issues and feel strongly about them. I also know you’re well-intentioned. I’d like to talk you about whether you’re having the impact you want to have.”