
每日跟讀#665: Semiconductor staff top earner last year compared with tourism and plastic industry

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· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing

每日跟讀#665: Semiconductor staff top earner last year compared with tourism and plastic industry


The annual salary for nonsupervisory workers in listed companies was about NT$1 million last year compared with over-the-counter (OTC) staff who made up to NT$728,000 on average, according to the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) who pointed that salaries in the semiconductor industry were the highest among all industries, ranging between NT$ 1.22 million and NT$972,000.


In contrast, the lowest annual salary among listed companies was seen in the tourism sector — NT$552,000. Among all OTC companies, workers in the plastic industry made about half of the pay in the semiconductor industry with around NT$455,000 on average last year.


The FSC said the top five annual salary for non-supervisory employees in listed companies are all from the semiconductor industry with NT$1.23 million on average per annum, followed by the computer and peripheral equipment sector – NT$1.2 million per year. Staff in the plastic industry, utilities-related industry and other electronics sector earned around NT$1.17 million in 2018.


The top earners among nonsupervisory staff in OTC companies in the semiconductor industry, on the other hand, had an annual salary of NT$972,000 on average, followed by workers in the financial industry (NT$834,000), the construction industry (NT$ 812,000), the information industry (NT$ 807,000) and the computer and peripheral equipment sector (NT$ 769,000).


The lowest wages among listed companies were in the tourism industry is the worst who made NT$ 552 thousand, glass and ceramics industry earned NT$ 587 thousand, and rubber industry, textile and fiber industry, and biotechnology and medicine industry are about NT$ 630 to 680 thousand.


Among the OTC companies in the plastic industry, the annual salary was the lowest (NT$455,000), followed by tourism sector (NT$489,000), the rubber industry, the maritime industry and the agriculture technology with salaries ranging from NT$500,000 to 550,000.


To further increase transparency, FSC said the wage medium would be published next year.

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20190807-679394
