
每日跟讀#688: SpongeBob SquarePants too violent for Indonesia’s broadcasting watchdog



每日跟讀#688: SpongeBob SquarePants too violent for Indonesia’s broadcasting watchdog

印尼媒體The Jakarta Post報導,印尼國家廣播委員會於九月五日寄出警告信給電視公司GTV,原因竟然是播放了電影版《海綿寶寶歷險記》。

The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) sent a warning letter to television station GTV on Sept. 5 for broadcasting The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.


Posted on the KPI’s website, the letter said the airing of the movie was considered in violation of the broadcasting code of conduct (P3) and program standards (SPS).

海綿寶寶電影版於八月六日早上十一點多在GTV台的「Big Movie Family」節目播出,被指內含暴力行為,像是用板子打臉、保齡球掉下來砸頭、往臉上丟鐵槌甚至用球拍把一盆仙人掌丟躑出去。

The movie, aired on Aug. 6 at 11:14 a.m. on GTV’s “Big Movie Family” program, was said to have contained violent acts, such as hitting a face with a board, dropping a bowling ball on the head, throwing a hammer at a face and throwing a pot of cactus with the help of a racket.


The movie, which aired again on Aug. 22 at 3:02 p.m. on GTV, reportedly contained the violent acts of throwing a cake at a face and hitting with the use of wood.


The KPI deemed the movie as potentially violating Article 14 of the KPI’s code of conduct, which states that a broadcasting unit must adhere to the interests of children in every aspect of broadcasting production.


A wildly popular American animated television series, SpongeBob SquarePants chronicles the adventures of the title character and his friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom.


First airing in 1999, the series was made into a feature film, The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie in 2004. The second movie, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, came out in 2015, while the third is slated for a 2020 release.


The warning letter to GTV from the KPI was among others sent regarding 14 programs.


The violations range from acts of violence, horror and supernatural scenes, sexual dialogue and gestures, private conflicts and harassment.


The KPI has sent out similar warning letters, such as in December last year when 11 stations were warned for broadcasting a Shopee commercial deemed too salacious.


In February, the West Java branch of the KPI limited airtime for 17 songs and radio and television in West Java for sexual content.


In August, it planned to formulate rules expected to serve as a legal umbrella for monitoring content on digital media outlets, such as YouTube and Netflix. It aims to ensure digital content is worth watching, promotes educational values and keeps netizens away from low-quality content.

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20190917-749422
