
每日跟讀#738: Communism crumbles: 30 years on since the fall of the Berlin Wall

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每日跟讀#738: Communism crumbles: 30 years on since the fall of the Berlin Wall

Nov. 9 marked the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, an iconic physical representation of the Iron Curtain. The event led to the reunification of East and West Germany and the eventual collapse of the communist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.


The Iron Curtain was an ideological and physical separation of communist Eastern Europe from the West following World War II. The term “iron curtain” was popularized after it was used by former British prime minister Winston Churchill in a landmark speech in the US in March 1946. “From Stettin [now called Szczecin] in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent,” declared Churchill, then leader of the opposition Conservatives. His comments were seen as an opening salvo in the Cold War that pitted the Soviet Union and the West against each other for more than four decades.


「iron curtain」(鐵幕)一詞被廣泛使用,是由於前英國首相溫斯頓‧邱吉爾一九四六年三月在美國發表的一場具里程碑意義的演說。時任英國反對黨領袖的保守黨黨魁邱吉爾說道:「從波羅的海的斯德丁〔現稱斯塞新〕到亞得里亞海的第里雅斯特,鐵幕橫跨〔歐洲〕大陸垂降下來」。邱吉爾此語被認為是冷戰的開場白,開啟此後四十多年蘇聯和西方之間的冷戰對抗。

The term had been coined earlier. Russian writer Vasily Rozanov, in his 1918 book The Apocalypse of Our Time, wrote “an iron curtain is being lowered, creaking and squeaking, at the end of Russian history.”


The ideological barrier between Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe and the West gradually became a physical one spanning thousands of kilometers. To stop citizens from fleeing to the West, Soviet-dominated Eastern European countries began erecting various forms of barriers using barbed-wire, ditches and concrete walls. The separations were controlled by alarms, watchtowers, mines and soldiers.


Socialist Hungary put up the first section in 1949, building a 260km barbed wire fence along its border with Austria. The Berlin Wall was an icon of the Iron Curtain. In 1952 Soviet-satellite East Germany constructed a 10m-wide barbed wire buffer along the entire length of its border with West Germany.


However, people were still able to get across in the divided city of Berlin, with about 3 million fleeing the East via this route between 1952 and 1961. To stop this important loss of manpower, East Germany in 1961 began constructing a wall. Made of reinforced concrete and wire mesh, the Berlin Wall stretched for 155km.


Eastern European citizens were only allowed to visit the West under strict conditions and those who tried to cross over without permission did so at great risk. About 600-700 people died trying to escape East Germany, about 140 at the Berlin Wall.


The first crack in the Iron Curtain appeared in May 1989 when Hungary decided to start opening its border with Austria. On Aug. 19 the frontier was to be symbolically opened for a few hours for a Pan-European Picnic. More than 600 East Germans holidaying in Hungary took advantage and fled to the West. It was the first mass exodus since the 1961 construction of the Berlin Wall.

Soon afterwards Eastern Europe’s communist regimes started to tumble.



East Germans began to demonstrate, and on Nov. 9, 1989 the regime unexpectedly granted them the right to travel to the West freely. Thousands flocked to the wall, and disoriented border guards opened the checkpoints. Throughout the night, euphoric Berliners celebrated. Perching on the wall, they used pickaxes to knock out chunks. Within two years the Soviet Union had imploded; the Iron Curtain falling with it.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2019/11/19/2003726077/2
