
每日跟讀#753: About Taiwan : The most beautiful part of South-Link Highway to open by the year end

台灣最美公路年底通車 比澳洲藍色公路還美


每日跟讀#753: About Taiwan : The most beautiful part of South-Link Highway to open by the year end


The last section of the South-Link Highway, which connects Pingtung and Taitung, will open on Dec. 20, according to the Directorate General of Highway. The aforesaid section, which links Anshuo, Daren Township in Taitung to Caopu village and Shihzih Township in Pingtung, is known for its scenic landscapes, endless mountains, deep valleys and a 4.6-km-long tunnel along the way.


The travel time between Pintung to Taitung will be reduced by 30 minutes after the construction of the southernmost section of the Provincial Highway 9 is open to the public. Yet, it should be noted that those who travel on foot, by bike or scooter (including motorcycles) are not allowed to enter the Caopu tunnel for safety reasons; instead, they should travel between Pingtung and Taitung through the old Provincial Highway.


The other two sections of the South-Link Highway opened earlier this year.

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玉山頂端驚現UberEats外送員 網友驚呼:「最強外送員」| An UberEats courier seen at the top of Yushan mountain


A video that showed a Chinese courier delivering a fruit basket to the top of the Taishan Mountain in Shandong on foot created a stir online. Well, the local mountaineer, surnamed Liu, was seen standing at the highest peak of Taiwan – Yushan Mountain with an UberEats delivery bag.


In a Facebook post, a series of photos captured Liu posing at the top of Yushan Peak, North Peak and West Peak with a delivery bag went viral.


“I’m arriving at the Yushan North, West peaks but still can’t find you. Where are you?” Liu wrote in his post. In response to the photos, netizens said: “He is the best courier.”

另外,劉姓山友告訴The China Post,拍攝UberEats外送袋登頂照只是純粹搞笑拍照留念,至於將UberEats外掛在背包上並不會為攀登增加難度,只是多了一個重量。而這也是劉姓山友第一次將外送袋背上山。

The mountaineer told The China Post that he was trying to be funny, so he carried a delivery bag to the peaks while climbing up to the Yushan Mountain. Besides, he said that carrying a delivery bag wasn’t a challenging task and this was the first time he brought it to the mountain top.


In response to the post, one commented, “That’ s so funny,” another said, “UberEats should pay you for the advertisement.” The other remarked, “What are you doing at the West and North peaks? Your customer is waiting at the East peak.”

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20191209-894304 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20191206-887807
