
每日英語跟讀 Ep.785: About Face Masks: 僑生持居留證、護照也能買口罩!外國人來台觀光則需自備 Foreigners without Taiwan NHI card can still get masks


每日英語跟讀 Ep.785: About Face Masks: Foreigners without Taiwan NHI card can still get masks

中央流行疫情指揮中心於今(4) 公布沒有持健保卡的外籍人士並不因新制受限,仍能購買口罩。

Foreigners without National Health Insurance (NHI) card will still have access to face masks when a new policy goes into effect on Thursday, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情指揮中心) said on Tuesday.


Foreigners will be required to provide their own identification information to local pharmacies where staff will make records accordingly, Director General of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Administration (健保署) Lee Po-chang (李伯璋) said at a press conference earlier today.


Lee was unclear as to the type of identification required, adding that relevant authorities are working on the details. Other rules are consistent with those applied to Taiwanese residents, he added.


The announcement comes as a relief to many non-nationals visiting Taiwan without health insurance.


Statistics compiled by the Ministry of Immigration (MOI) show that there were almost 200,000 foreigners residing on various types of visas by the end of 2019.


To clarify, foreign residents including those with Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) and Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) will be eligible to masks as long as they provide their NHI cards at pharmacies under the new policy.


Others, including visitors, people on a business visa, those whose residency applications are pending can still buy masks but they will also need to bring identification. Authorities are still working on the details.


Confusingly, Food and Drug Administration (FDA, 食藥署) Director-General Wu Shou-mei (吳秀梅) said that those in Taiwan on tourist visa cannot get our masks.


According to CECC Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung (陳時中), locals will only be allowed to buy two face masks per week at NHI contracted pharmacies starting on Thursday.


Everyone is allowed to purchase for maximum one friend or family as long as they bring their national health insurance cards along with their own.


In order to avoid long queues, residents should go to pharmacies according to the last digit of their ID number or residency number.


If the latter ends in an odd number, you are eligible to buy masks on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; holders of even NHI numbers should go on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Sundays are open to all.


The flat fee per piece will drop by NT$1 (US$0.33) from NT$6 (US$0.2) to NT$5 (US$0.16), and locals will need to show their health insurance card to make a purchase, the minister added.

Next Article:

2/6口罩新制上路 全台販售口罩藥局看這裡!| Where to buy face masks? Google map of designated pharmacies unveiled


Taiwan residents will only be allowed to buy two face masks per week at over 6,000 designated pharmacies across Taiwan starting from Feb. 6, Health and Welfare Minister (衛福部) Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said late Monday.


To help you find the precious protection gear for your friends and family, please refer to the link: Google map.

「特約藥局及無健保特約藥局鄉鎮衛生所名單」Google地圖|Click here for opening the Google Map

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20200204-947453 ;https://chinapost.nownews.com/20200204-947573
