
每日英語跟讀 Ep.842: About Korea - Back to school, at home在家開學與創意抗疫


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每日英語跟讀 Ep.842: About Korea - Back to school, at home

A sense of excitement and anxiety was missing from the classroom on the first day of the new spring semester.


Middle school English teacher Yoon Suk-joon, 58, was all alone as lessons began, with no students around. He greeted his students in a virtual classroom, with a laptop, headset and projector. Some 45 students clicked on a link via Google Classroom, to check in for a 45-minute interactive live class.


Educators are inexperienced in holding classes online, and smart devices and internet connections are not equally available for all schools and students. Neither can all parents afford to supervise their children taking online classes at home.


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Korea’s front-line virus fighters get creative to up their games 南韓前線抗疫戰士發揮創意來提升成效

Health care workers at the forefront of South Korea’s virus battle are coming up with novel ways to better arm themselves.


A virus testing booth developed by a doctor at a public health center in southern Busan allows health workers to wear minimum protection as they swab patients.


"Health care providers require no personal protective equipment as they stand inside the booth and take samples from patients using the gloves protruding outwards," said Dr Ahn Yeo-hyun, who has been working there since December 2016.


Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1363755 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1365327
