
每日英語跟讀 Ep.880: Doctors: during pilgrimages in the heat, food poisoning more serious than pandemic 高溫溽暑遶境 醫︰防食物中毒比防疫更重要


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每日英語跟讀 Ep.880: Doctors: during pilgrimages in the heat, food poisoning more serious than pandemic

Jenn Lann Temple in Taichung’s Dajia District began its days-long Matsu pilgrimage late on Thursday last week. Doctors are reminding the public that, with the recent hot weather coupled with the extended length of the event, it is important to be mindful of food and drink hygiene. For example, it is best not to leave cooked food for more than two hours before consuming it, to avoid the breeding of germs that could cause food poisoning.


According to Yen Tzung-hai, director of the Department of Nephrology and Division of Clinical Toxicology, it is better to finish hot lunchboxes within two hours of them being cooked, because with the hot weather and high temperatures during the day the food can easily become contaminated by microorganisms, and there is a risk of this causing acute gastroenteritis and even persistent vomiting and diarrhea.


Yen says that clinical tests have shown that food poisoning is often caused by germs such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (E. coli); Salmonella poisoning is relatively rare, but can be extremely dangerous. Salmonella, which tends to appear on raw foods, is extremely toxic and can cause organ failure and kidney failure in the more serious cases.


According to Yen, people joining the pilgrimage should take note of the hygiene of restaurants they stop to eat in, while the owners need to be careful to prepare raw and cooked foods separately, in order to avoid cross contamination. Also, microorganisms breed more quickly in hot weather, and he says, “during summer pay attention to food hygiene, which is more important than guarding against the pandemic.”


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adds that people love to eat ice products in the summer, but inspections carried out in the past have often found that ice products on the market fail to meet the standards, with Staphylococcus aureus being discovered in many cases, and E. coli and Bacillus cereusalso being found. According to the FDA, bacteria can be harmful to the human body, and can cause problems with the digestive system, diarrhea and stomachache in the less serious cases and possibly food poisoning in the more serious cases.


Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2020/06/15/2003738212
