
每日英語跟讀 Ep.923: Colleges Face Rising Revolt by Professors 重返大學校園 美國教授很有意見



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每日英語跟讀 Ep.923: Colleges Face Rising Revolt by Professors

College students across the country have been warned that campus life will look drastically different in the fall, with temperature checks at academic buildings, masks in half-empty lecture halls and maybe no football games.


What they might not expect: a lack of professors in the classroom.


Thousands of instructors at American colleges and universities have told administrators in recent days that they are unwilling to resume in-person classes because of the pandemic.


More than three-quarters of colleges and universities have decided students can return to campus this fall. But they face a growing faculty revolt.


“Until there’s a vaccine, I’m not setting foot on campus,” said Dana Ward, 70, an emeritus professor of political studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, California, who teaches a class in anarchist history and thought. “Going into the classroom is like playing Russian roulette.”


This comes as major outbreaks have hit college towns this summer, spread by partying students and practicing athletes.

It is hard to predict how many professors will refuse to teach face to face in the fall. But schools and professors are planning ahead.


A Cornell University survey of its faculty found that about one-third were “not interested in teaching classes in person,” one-third were “open to doing it if conditions were deemed to be safe,” and about one-third were “willing and anxious to teach in person,” said Michael Kotlikoff, Cornell’s provost.


Faculty members at institutions including Penn State, the University of Illinois, Notre Dame and the State University of New York have signed petitions complaining that they are not being consulted and are being pushed back into classrooms too fast.


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus is known for its lively social scene, says a faculty petition. To expect more than 50,000 students to behave according to public health guidelines, it goes on, “would be to ignore reality.”


At Penn State, an open letter signed by more than 1,000 faculty members demands that the university “affirm the autonomy of instructors in deciding whether to teach classes, attend meetings and hold office hours remotely, in person or in some hybrid mode.” The letter also asks for faculty members to be able to change their mode of teaching at any time, and not to be obligated to disclose personal health information as a condition of teaching online.


“I shudder at the prospect of teaching in a room filled with asymptomatic superspreaders,” wrote Paul M. Kellermann, 62, an English professor at Penn State, in an essay for Esquire magazine, proclaiming that “1,000 of my colleagues agree.”


Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/355531/web/
