
每日英語跟讀 Ep.934: About UK - Cleaners Unknowingly Remove Banksy’s Latest Art Piece 清潔人員清除掉班克西的最新作品與騎自行車的處方

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing


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日期時間: 9/12 星期六 14:00-15:30 (可閒聊到16:00)

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.934: About UK - Cleaners Unknowingly Remove Banksy’s Latest Art Piece

On Tuesday, the enigmatic British street artist Banksy unveiled his latest public work. Art fans hoping to check out the Underground graffiti for themselves are out of luck, however, as Transport for London cleaners scrubbed the spray paint away before Banksy even announced it.


Apparently, the workers were "unaware" the black-and-teal paint on the Circle Line carriage was left by the artist, and thus "it was treated like any other graffiti on the network."


It also seems likely Banksy, who isn’t one to shy away from creating temporary art, knew the work wasn’t going to last long.


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UK government to encourage doctors in England to prescribe bikes for patients-英國政府將鼓勵英格蘭醫生為病患開立騎自行車的處方

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has unveiled plans for a "cycling and walking revolution" that, if fully realized, could recalibrate the way people move around towns and cities.


The move comes as authorities attempt to boost public health by capitalizing on people’s renewed interest in travelling by bike and on foot during the coronavirus pandemic.


Wide-ranging in their scope, they include initiatives such as: providing cycling training to children and adults if they want it; developing an extensive network of protected bike routes; and creating "low-traffic neighbourhoods."


In addition, the U.K. government will pilot a project in some areas of "poor health rates" to encourage doctors to prescribe cycling to patients through a bike lending scheme.


Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1393638; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1394103
