
每日英語跟讀 Ep.946: About Japan -壽司產業是男人天下?日本女師傅走自己的路 | Female chef aims to revolutionize Japan’s restaurant industry


每日英語跟讀 Ep.946: About Japan -Female chef aims to revolutionize Japan’s restaurant industry


Sushi chefs in Japan have always been men and this tradition continues to dominate. Many restaurants still do not allow women to stand behind the counter and make sushi in front of the customers.


For Yuki, the challenge of being a female sushi chef doesn’t begin with technique. It starts at the crack of dawn when she heads to the market to buy fish.


She is often ridiculed by market fish vendors for “playing kitchen” as they refuse to sell her any fish. Yuki recognizes the disheartening and brutal reality of the industry, admitting that while she “fought back against the criticisms and prejudice”, she still “felt inferior in her heart”.


However, Yuki smiles on. She believes that focusing on getting “more skilled and experienced” will help her achieve her goal: making a name for herself & her restaurant.


Yuki hopes to be upheld to the same expectations as men by going above and beyond: innovating a different style of sushi by redefining simplicity.


“Discovering sushi shook my soul,” Yuki exclaims. She believes that females should not try to be like male chefs, but celebrate their unique qualities and change the status quo with new ideas.


Many female sushi chefs have attempted at breaking into the industry, to no avail. Most eventually gave up, but for Yuki, the battle continues.

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日本KitKat推新口味 老外試吃後傻眼:不是抹茶 | Foreigners puzzled at taste of Wasabi-flavored Kit Kats

日本奇巧巧克力(Kit Kat)繼2004年推出抹茶口味掀起風潮後,現在又推出另一款「綠色」巧克力新風味,然而,這次的口味可能沒有之前那麼容易下嚥。

Following the 2004 debut of the “Matcha Green Tea Kit Kat,” Japan has released a second green chocolate combo that will surely challenge customers’ palates: the Wasabi-flavored Kit Kat


According to media reports, Nestle has released over 350 flavors to date, and the main reason behind such a wide variety of products is due to Japanese convenience stores’ constant demand for new items.


To keep up, new flavors and ideas are in great need and that’s where the wasabi flavor comes in.


According to local Japanese media, a specialty wasabi shop, Tamaruya Honten, located in the Shizuoka prefecture which produces 80 percent of Japan’s annual wasabi supply, partnered with Kit Kat and created the hybrid local flavor best representing both companies.


As for the million-dollar question of whether people outside Japan find it delicious or not, some described it as not extremely spicy, while others say though the smell is recognizably wasabi, it actually tastes sweet thanks to the white chocolate.


Westerners also took to complimenting the flavor on Twitter, with one writing, “Yes, you should be mad you can’t find this in a regular store.”


However, others seem to question the novel combination, commenting, “Nope. Not touching that with a ten-foot pole.”

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20200829-1697516 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20200901-1700846
