
每日英語跟讀 Ep.950: About Japan - Traveling to Japan? This is how to tell if neighborhood is dangerous如何判斷日本危險地雷區與低鹽包裝


每日英語跟讀 Ep.950: About Japan - Traveling to Japan? This is how to tell if neighborhood is dangerous


Japan is often lauded as one of the safest countries in the world, even though there are many districts that are more dangerous than others. But, how can tourists differentiate which cities are safer? A Twitter user from Japan recently revealed a small trick: to use convenience stores as a determinator.

根據Sora News報導,日本網友(@teiji_oriental) 列出數項判斷標準,第一,危險地區的便利商店內會有成堆的低價杯麵,除此之外,還會放滿各種小報、以及其他專給中年男子閱讀的雜誌。反之,店內若擺放較多有機食物、高價礦物水,則相對代表此區較為安全。

SoraNews24 quoted Japanese Twitter user @teiji_oriental who came up with an original way to know if a neighborhood is less safe: low-price cup noodles. If a store sells a wide variety of low-price cup noodles then the odds are high that the neighborhood is not safe.

In addition, neighborhoods can also be deemed a bit more unsafe if the magazine racks hold mostly content that caters to middle-aged men, the social media user said. On the other hand, if the store holds more organic foods and water bottles, it’s likely an indication that the surrounding area is quite safe (and family-friendly).


More importantly, dangerous districts usually do not welcome customers to use their restrooms. Last but not least, trash cans placed outside the store indicate a safer neighborhood and vice versa.


In addition, if you walk into a convenience store and immediately see signs that read “Shoplifting is a crime” or “Thank you for keeping the restroom clean after use,” and have alcoholic drinks placed near the front of the store, it usually indicates a less safe environment outside.


Overall, places where the male population is higher, have less income, and are more prone to drinking booze and, by extension, are deemed to be more dangerous.

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吃泡麵也可以很健康?日本這款「神包裝」引轟動 | New packaging lets you enjoy instant noodles without damaging health


Most people agree that instant noodles are tasty even though they contain too much sodium which is harmful to health. Thanks to a new packaging developed by Japan-based Nisshin’s Myojo Foods, you can now enjoy your Umadashiya instant ramen with peace in mind.

根據Japan Today報導,打開Umadashiya速食麵,你會看到碗內有兩條線,上面那條就是一般泡麵的注水線,至於下面那條則是「喝湯停止線」,喝到底部那條代表你已經攝取足夠鈉攝取量。

According to Japan Today, inside the bowl of Umadashiya instant ramen feature two lines. The upper one shows how much water you should add like other popular brands of instant noodles. The bottom one, which is unique to this brand, indicate when you should stop drinking soup.

This “soup stop line” refrains you from drinking the last 150 milliliters of broth that could be harmful to your health by cutting down your sodium intake.

(Courtesy of Myojo Foods)此外,外包裝上也有印上貼心提醒,告訴你如果喝到停止線(剩下大約150毫升),攝取鹽分會比整份含量少掉幾克。

There’s also a reminder printed on the packaging telling you that if you reach the stop line (about 150ml left), you’ll lose how many grams of salt compared to the full serving.

據報導, Umadashiya全系列產品,包括拉麵、速食烏龍麵、蕎麥麵,自9月份將全面採用這款貼心包裝。

All Umadashiya products, including ramen, instant udon and soba noodles, will be packaged in this Shio Care (“Sodium Care”) package starting in September, Japanese media reported.

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20200904-1724338 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20200915-1786385
