
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K077: Taipei promotes hiking trail by offering certificates 台北市提供證書,鼓勵多走登山步道 《感謝襪襪WOAWOA提供通勤家族專屬優惠》


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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K077: Taipei promotes hiking trail by offering certificates

The Taipei City Government is running a promotion throughout the year to encourage people to visit the Taipei Grand Trail, a 92km hiking trail which is 1,120m above sea level at its highest point, and which runs through the mountains surrounding Taipei.


The Taipei Grand Trail was launched by the Taipei Public Works Department’s Geotechnical Engineering Office in 2018, integrating more than 100 existing hiking trails that connect the five mountain areas surrounding the Taipei basin — the Datunshan, Qixingshan , Wujhihshan, Nangangshan and Ergeshan areas.


The trail is divided into seven sections, each ranging from 11km to 18km, enabling people to complete each in one day, the office said.


The trail has bilingual directions, toilets and drinking fountains along it, and people can easily access each section by using public transportation, it added.


Chen Yen-chen (陳彥成), chief of the office’s Industrial and Trail Section, said that the trail includes places of cultural interest, such as temples and ancient trails, and each section has its own distinctive scenery.

工業與山道科主任陳彥成(Chen Yen-chen)表示,登山道包括寺廟和古道等文化名勝古蹟,並且每個區域都有自己獨特的風景。

The entire trail can be completed in about seven to eight days, and doing so would burn about 38,000 calories, he said.


In 2018, the office installed 12 pillars along the trail so that people could take photographs at them as a record of their hiking experience.


The program this year began on Jan. 1 and runs through Dec. 31, so people can visit the seven sections throughout the year, he said.


People who take photos of themselves at each of the 12 pillars and submit a collage of them to the office would receive a certificate and a souvenir towel, Chen said, adding that they can also keep a record of their hikes by using the Hiking Biji (健行筆記) mobile app.


Hikers also have the option of using the app to collect 49 virtual gems — seven on each section of the trail — and receive an online completion badge and certificate from the Hiking Biji Web site.

登山者還可以選擇使用該應用程序收集49個虛擬寶石(在每登山道的分別收集七個),並從Hiking Biji網站線上繳交徽章和證書。

If they bring the online certificate to the office, they can receive a paper certificate, a souvenir towel and a gauze towel with the Taipei Grand Trail logo printed on it.


Chen said that a lottery would be held at the end of the year, the information for which would be posted on the Taipei Grand Trail’s Facebook page (facebook.com/Taipei.Trail).


Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2021/02/16/2003752351


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