
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K091: About the Internet - First-ever tweet sold for around NT$82.3 million 史上首則推文拍出!得標價飆破8200萬元  


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K091: About the Internet - First-ever tweet sold for around NT$82.3 million

由推特(Twitter)創辦人杜錫(Jack Dorsey)發出的史上第一條推文,今天被當作「不可替代代幣」(NFT)拍賣出去,得標價飆破290萬美元(約新台幣8230萬元)。

The first-ever tweet by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey was auctioned off on Tuesday as an “non-fungible token” (NFT), with the bid surpassing US$2.9 million (around NT$82.3 million).

拍賣平台Valuables by Cent的一則推文說:「杜錫同意了@sinaEstavi這個帳號所喊出的291萬5835.47美元。」

A tweet from the auction platform “Valuables by Cent” read that “Jack accepted the offer from sinaEstavi for $2915835.47.”

Valuables by Cent表示:「現在這則推文已在區塊鏈(blockchain)上打造好了。」

The auction account added that the tweet is now “minted on blockchain.”

得標者的帳號資料顯示,擁有@sinaEstavi帳號的是區塊鏈技術相關的新創公司Bridge Oracle執行長艾斯塔維(Sina Estavi)。

The winner’s account details show that Sina Estavi, CEO of Bridge Oracle, a blockchain technology start-up, owns the @sinaEstavi account.


Dorsey explained that all proceeds from the auction will be donated to charities.

2006年3月21日,杜錫在鍵盤打下:「剛剛設定好我的推特」(just setting up my twttr)這樣平凡無奇的話,發出後成了史上第一條推文,同時正式啟用推特這個全球通用的平台,後來在公民社會中,成為一股具爭議又占主導地位的力量。

The sold-tweet was first tweeted on March 21, 2006, with Dorsey writing, “just setting up my twttr.”

Such a mundane statement became the first tweet ever sent and officially launched Twitter, a global platform that has since become a controversial and dominant force in civil society.

艾斯塔維在推文中說:「我覺得再過幾年,人們會意識到那則推文的真正價值,正如同名畫『蒙娜麗莎』(Mona Lisa)一樣。」

“I think years later people will realize the true value of this tweet, like the Mona Lisa painting,” Estavi tweeted regarding his new purchase.

這次杜錫推文的拍賣,凸顯了人們對「不可替代代幣」(non-fungible token, NFT)的興趣激增。

The auction of Dorsey’s tweet also highlights the surge of interest in non-fungible tokens (NFT).


Non-fungible tokens uses the same blockchain technology, after cryptocurrencies, to transform objects into virtual collectors’ items that cannot be replicated.


Dorsey tweeted his thanks to Estavi on Tuesday and added that the proceeds from the auction were donated to GiveDirectly, a nonprofit organization that helps the poor in East Africa.

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CNN也報台灣鮭魚之亂!美網友讚:願意改名甜甜圈 | Taiwan’s ‘salmon name-change’ inspires U.S. social media users


Sushi restaurant chain “Sushiro” launched a promotion on March 17 and March 18 by announcing it would give away free sushi to anyone who had “salmon” (鮭魚) in their names, leading to a name-changing frenzy in Taiwan.


The phenomenon gradually attracted the attention of international media, with CNN reporting on Thursday that owing to the promotion, around 140 Taiwanese have officially changed their names to include the word “salmon.”

CNN 表示此風潮已引來內政部的不滿,提醒大眾台灣法律規定每人一生中有三次改名機會。

CNN added that the situation has led the Ministry of Interior to issue a statement cautioning Taiwanese that they only get three chances to change their names in a lifetime.


Following media outlets like CNN and BBC’s reports, Taiwaneses’ name-changing craze also reached the ears of U.S. social media users with some commenting they didn’t expect the day Taiwanese would lose their minds.

However, others wrote that as a broke millennial, if changing their names would mean getting free sushi, then they were all for it.

更有外國網友開始呼籲美國其他連鎖店開始推類似的活動,並問道自己如果把名字改成「T-Bone」(丁骨牛排)或是「Donut」(甜甜圈),能不能在牛排館和Krispy Kreme獲得免費的餐點。

Some also called on American chain restaurants to try similar promotions, with one volunteering to change their name to “T-bone” while another wanted “Donut” so that they could get freebies from Krispy Kreme.

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210323-2277586 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210319-2222391
