每日英語跟讀 Ep.K101: About Japan - Japanese parents baffled by no-underwear rule in elementary school’s PE class
A city councilwoman in Kawasaki, Japan recently questioned the reason why some municipal elementary schools would require students to take off their underwear prior to the physical education (PE) classes. In response to the controversy, the Kanagawa Prefectural Board of Education argued that students should not wear their sweaty and wet underwear after their class or they might get a cold.
According to the Japanese media Tokyo Shimbun, the councilwoman, Eri Yamada, contended on March 9 that the move has made many children feel uncomfortable while practicing sports.
Contrary to all expectations, the schools stressed that younger students should not wear their underwear during sports classes for some health and hygiene reasons.
According to the Board of Education, the no-underwear rule has been found in several schools so far, even though the school authorities did not notify parents first.
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毛小孩遇地震怎麼辦?日發明「狗狗專用避難包」 | Japanese pet shop creates emergency kit for dogs
Most people have an emergency kit at home in case of emergencies, so what should people with pets do when a natural disaster occurs? In Japan, a pet shop launched a survival bag for dogs that can be tied to the dog’s body if any emergency happens. The survival gear inside can not only save the dog but also save the owner’s life.
根據SoraNews24報導,在過去,毛小孩遭逢意外、遇到天災,沒辦法成功脫困、甚至失蹤的案例層出不窮,有鑑於此,日本寵物用品店Pet Memorial Shops設計一款防水、防火以聚氨酯、聚酯纖維所製成的狗狗專用避難包。
According to SoraNews24, many cases of dogs fail to escape from the tragedy in an accident or natural disaster. With this observation in mind, the Japanese pet store Pet Memorial Shops designed evacuation life bags made of waterproof, fireproof polyurethane and polyester.
Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210318-2211416 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210319-2226006
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