
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K151: About Auctions - 隱形雕像以驚人高價售出與虛擬精品包 Invisible sculpture sells for sky-high price

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K151: About Auctions - Invisible sculpture sells for sky-high price


An invisible sculpture by an Italian artist has been sold for €15,000 (around NT$505,581) during an auction earlier in May. 

根據外媒報導, Salvatore Garau (沙瓦托.加勞) 製作了這項作品名為《我是》來表現實社會中的空洞。沙瓦托像義大利媒體解釋道他們所看到的「空間」,正是被自己作品的能量佔據。 

According to foreign media reports, Salvatore Garau created the artwork, titled “I am” to represent the “void” of the world. Garau explained to Italian media that the empty space is occupied by the energy of the artwork. 


The buyer of the artwork will receive a certificate of authentification as the proud owner of the invisible sculpture which Garau considers a metaphor of our times. 


In addition, the artwork is deemed extremely valuable as it is totally unique, cannot be replicated, and is environmentally friendly


The artist also suggests that the artwork be stored in a special room that is free from obstruction

他表示此創作為150 x 150公分寬和高,所以購買者需要考量提供約此大小的空間「放置」雕。 

According to Garau, the artwork is about 150 x 150 cm in length and width so that would be the space needed.


包賣價破11萬!炒熱商品最後竟比實品貴上百倍 Virtual Gucci bag sold for higher price than real


A virtual Gucci bag was recently sold for US$4,115 (around NT$113,954) on Roblox’s online gaming virtual world, making it almost US$800 (NT$22,154) more expensive than the real item. 


According to foreign media reports, the virtual “Dionysus Bag with Bee” was available for one hour on May 17 as part of Gucci’s virtual Garden Exhibition and the original price offered was around US$6 (NT$166).  


Soon after, scalpers began using the limited time frame to buy and re-sell the item for higher prices, resulting in one user who later revealed he paid US$4,115 (around NT$113,954) for the virtual bag. 


The hot commodity even surpassed the sale of the real bag, which sells for US$3,400 (around NT$94,168)

然而,Reddit創辦人 Alexis Ohanian 後來也在推特上提醒手頭較緊的買家,表示此虛擬商品與非同質化代幣有所不同,在遊戲平台以外的地方毫無價。 

However, Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian later took to Twitter to inform potential buyers that unlike an NFT (Non-fungible token), the item has no monetary value outside of the gaming platform, and cautioned those who don’t excess money to spend on such an extravagant bag. 


Several other virtual items from Gucci were also on sale with the Dionysus Bag with Bee including sunglasses and a guitar case but none did as well as the bag. Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210601-2539126 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210529-2526046



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