
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K167: 溫布頓網球賽毛巾不再男女有別Wimbledon ditches traditional gender distinction over players’ towels


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K167: Wimbledon ditches traditional gender distinction over players’ towels 

Wimbledon will no longer provide different colored towels to men and women players after officials decided to scrap one of the last bastions of genderism.


Traditionally men were given two “championship” green and purple towels, while women received two “seasonal” ones, which in 2019 were pink and turquoise. But this year, for the first time, players are receiving one of each when they step on court.


A Wimbledon source said that this was one of the last male/female distinctions to go, having committed to equal pay in 2007 and equal tweets about male and female players a few years ago, and said the move was down to “progress” and a sense that the players no longer had a preference for either color.


However, they confirmed there were no plans to make a new cup for the women and a new plate for the men when it comes to handing out the singles trophies.


Meanwhile, Wimbledon have revealed that they expect to run out of their popular 34 pound towels by the middle of this week after an unexpected run on them during the opening two days of the tournament.


In 2019 Wimbledon sold 27,419 Championships’ towels across the fortnight but had ordered a “conservative” volume — believed to be closer to 15,000 — this time round.


That was largely due to the uncertainty surrounding the number of fans that would be allowed into Wimbledon. However, officials have been surprised by how many supporters have wanted a memento of their visit after the tournament was canceled last year.

這主要是因為不確定會有多少球迷能被准許入場。然而,溫網繼去年比賽取消後,今年想買紀念品的球迷數量之眾,令溫網官方驚訝。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/07/05/2003760289

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