
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K207: 迷人咖啡不超標有益無害 Enjoy your coffee, but know your limits


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K207: Enjoy your coffee, but know your limits

Many people choose to drink coffee for refreshment when they feel weary, but it would be wrong to think that coffee is the only thing that contains caffeine. There is caffeine in tea, cocoa, cola drinks and so on.


Is caffeine good or bad for your health? Nutritionists say that getting an appropriate amount of caffeine can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and perk you up, but remember not to take too much, otherwise it may put even more strain on your body.


On Aug. 24, nutritionist Yu Chu-ching wrote a post on her “Julie dietician” Facebook page, saying that the main benefits of caffeine are lifting one’s spirits, promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, reducing fluid retention and moderating one’s appetite. Caffeine has its strongest effect about one hour after drinking, and it takes about 40 hours to fully metabolize 200 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. However, people’s metabolic responses are not all exactly the same. In addition, people should beware of consuming too much, which can cause discomfort such as anxiety, palpitations and insomnia. Healthy adults can consume up to about 300mg in one day. The average commercially available large cup of coffee contains 200mg of caffeine, so drinking two cups will take you over the limit.


Yu said that those who suffer from heart disease should reduce this amount to about one half and not take more than 150 to 200mg of caffeine a day. Children under 12 years old should not touch caffeine, while teenagers should not exceed 100mg a day. As for pregnant women, they should go easy on it and not consume more than 100 to 200mg in one day.


Yu reminded her readers not to eat a load of excess sugar at the same time as consuming caffeine, otherwise it may cancel out many of the benefits. She also said that carbonated beverages and energy drinks contain sugar and other additives, so it is best not to drink them very often.

余朱青提醒,攝取咖啡因時記得不要同時吃進一堆多餘的糖,這可能會讓咖啡因的好處大打折扣,而碳酸飲料或能量飲料,因含有糖和其他添加物,不宜常喝。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/09/14/2003764311