
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K276: 機器能夠學習道德嗎?Can a Machine Learn Morality?

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K276: 機器能夠學習道德嗎?Can a Machine Learn Morality?

Researchers at an artificial intelligence lab in Seattle called the Allen Institute for AI unveiled new technology last month that was designed to make moral judgments. They called it Delphi, after the religious oracle consulted by the ancient Greeks. Anyone could visit the Delphi website and ask for an ethical decree.


Joseph Austerweil, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, tested the technology using a few simple scenarios. When he asked if he should kill one person to save another, Delphi said he shouldn’t. When he asked if it was right to kill one person to save 100 others, it said he should. Then he asked if he should kill one person to save 101 others. This time, Delphi said he should not.


Morality, it seems, is as knotty for a machine as it is for humans.


Delphi, which has received more than 3 million visits over the past few weeks, is an effort to address what some see as a major problem in modern AI systems: They can be as flawed as the people who create them.


Facial recognition systems and digital assistants show bias against women and people of color. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter fail to control hate speech, despite wide deployment of artificial intelligence. Algorithms used by courts, parole offices and police departments make parole and sentencing recommendations that can seem arbitrary.


A growing number of computer scientists and ethicists are working to address those issues. And the creators of Delphi hope to build an ethical framework that could be installed in any online service, robot or vehicle.


“It’s a first step toward making AI systems more ethically informed, socially aware and culturally inclusive,” said Yejin Choi, the Allen Institute researcher and University of Washington computer science professor who led the project.


Delphi is by turns fascinating, frustrating and disturbing. It is also a reminder that the morality of any technological creation is a product of those who have built it. The question is: Who gets to teach ethics to the world’s machines? AI researchers? Product managers? Mark Zuckerberg? Trained philosophers and psychologists? Government regulators?


While some technologists applauded Choi and her team for exploring an important and thorny area of technological research, others argued that the very idea of a moral machine is nonsense.

雖然一些技術人員稱讚崔藝珍及其團隊探索了一個重要而棘手的技術研究領域,但其他人認為,道德機器的想法本身就是無稽之談。Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/5953372