
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K416: About Spain - 西班牙免費提供火車旅行與訓馬諮詢 Spain to make some train journeys free from September


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K416: About Spain - Spain to make some train journeys free from September

Public transport prices on state-owned service across Spain have already been slashed in half in response to rapidly rising energy and inflation rates. Now the government has announced further 100% discounts.


As of September, passengers will be able to travel across various trains operated by public train network Renfe for absolutely nothing.


Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has announced that multi-journey tickets for trains operated by the network’s public services Cercanías, Rodalies and Media Distance (equivalent to local and medium-distance journeys) are to be free of charge from September 1 up until the end of the year.

西班牙總理桑切斯宣布,從9月1日到今年年底,西班牙國家鐵路公司將免費提供Cercanías、Rodalies和Media Distance營運的火車聯程車票(相當於本地與中距離旅程)。

The measure excludes single-journey tickets, or long-distance travels, according to public broadcaster TVE. Multi-journey tickets include a minimum of 10 return trips.


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Spain horse whisperer’s animals mirror stress sufferers’ state of mind 西班牙馴馬師的動物反映了壓力患者的心理狀態

In the Guadalix mountains outside Madrid, Argentine horse whisperer Fernando Noailles uses his animals to help people suffering from stress and anxiety.


The 57-year-old, who spent many years in the Patagonian wilderness living with horses, uses the animals as a way for patients to interpret and control their emotions.


People who come to his sessions spend time with the horses and learn through the movement of the animal what mental state they themselves are in, says Noailles, who charges up to 120 euros per session.


"The horse is a mirror," he says. "They are gregarious creatures, born to live in herds."


The therapy consists in monitoring how the horse responds to the client’s moods. From watching the horse’s reaction, the client learns how to identify and control emotions, he says.


"People in the first session, when they are in a difficult state of mind, see a horse that doesn’t stop, that moves, that even gallops. The horse is showing you a mind that doesn’t stop, that is tormented," he says.

他說:「處於困難心理狀態之中時,民眾上第一堂課,看著一匹動不停、甚至狂奔的馬兒。這匹馬對你顯示了一顆受到折磨的不停歇的心。」Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1530547 ; https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1205649