
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K459: About Canada - 8000美元誇張租車費與變裝國王36,000km in three days $8000 car rental charge shocks Canadian woman

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K459: About Canada - 36,000km in three days $8000 car rental charge shocks Canadian woman

Car rental companies have long earned a reputation for gouging customers, penny-pinching on frills and finding new and unscrupulous ways to charge for add-ons.


But a Canadian woman says she was billed thousands in extra mileage after a rental company claimed she drove a distance nearly the circumference of the Earth over a three-day period.


Earlier this month, Giovanna Boniface flew from Vancouver to Toronto, where she rented an SUV at the airport. Her rental receipt, posted to Twitter, shows the company levied a charge of 25 cents per kilometre – for 36,000 additional kilometres.


Even if she had travelled from Mexico City to Skagway, Alaska, over the three days, driving nonstop, she would still be nearly 30,000km short of what the company claimed she had travelled – enough to traverse the entire continent of North America three more times.


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In Canada, one woman takes on stereotypes as a drag king挑戰刻板印象,加拿大女性扮「變裝國王」

33-year-old Canadian Melodie Rousseau is an actress by day, but at night, she makes herself up as a virile man - and takes the stage at Montreal’s cabaret halls as a drag king.


Performing in drag is not only a means of artistic expression - it’s a political statement by Rousseau and others looking to step out of the formidable shadow of drag queens.


Rousseau, who performs as Rock Biere, needs two and a half hours for her transformation. She would use a make-up brush to draw the eyebrows and contours that define her alter ego.


Little by little, Rock Biere’s more masculine jawline emerges. She straps down her breasts and sticks fake hair on her chest and chin.


While drag queens have entered the mainstream thanks to shows like "RuPaul’s Drag Race," drag kings are still under the radar. In Quebec province, they can be counted on one hand, according to veteran Canadian drag king Charli Deville.

當變裝皇后拜《魯保羅變裝皇后秀》等節目之賜進入主流市場,變裝國王仍沒沒無聞。加拿大資深變裝國王恰莉‧戴維爾說,魁北克省的變裝國王一隻手就數得完。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1544007 ; https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1336895