
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K492: About Japan - 默剪理髮服務與療養院招娉嬰兒 Covid-Inspired ‘Silent Cut Haircutting Service Gains Popularity in Japan


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K492: About Japan - Covid-Inspired ‘Silent Cut Haircutting Service Gains Popularity in Japan

Devised by a Tokyo hair salon during the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the ‘Silent Cut’ service is becoming increasingly popular in Japan.


As a way of curbing the spread of the coronavirus during the Covid-19 pandemic, authorities in Japan started promoting “no conversation” or “less conversation” policies in schools, shops and supermarkets. One Tokyo salon decided to implement the ‘silent cut’ service and it proved so popular that others quickly followed suit.


As it turns out, hairstylists prefer the silent cut as well, with many claiming that they were taught to chat up clients in their apprenticeship.


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We’re hiring: Babies wanted for Japan nursing home 我們正在招聘:日本療養院需要嬰兒

A nursing home in southern Japan is “hiring” babies for a very important job — to keep its elderly residents company and make them smile.


A job advert pinned to the wall informs would-be workers they will be compensated for their services in diapers and powdered milk.


New recruits at the facility in Kitakyushu must be under four years old, and their guardians have to sign a contract stipulating that the babies and toddlers can show up for work “whenever they feel like it.”


More than 30 babies have been signed up so far, tasked with lifting the spirits of more than 100 residents who are mostly in their 80s.

至今已有超過30名嬰兒報名,他們被賦予提升逾百名居民興致的任務,這些居民大多超過80歲。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1555385