
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K647: 瑞幸咖啡以一天售出540萬杯茅台拿鐵創下銷售紀錄

Luckin Coffee Sets Sales Record with 5.4 Million Moutai Alcohol-Infused Lattes Sold in a Day

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing

國際時事跟讀 Ep.K647: Luckin Coffee Sets Sales Record with 5.4 Million Moutai Alcohol-Infused Lattes Sold in a Day

Luckin Coffee made headlines as it announced a remarkable achievement, selling an astonishing 5.42 million cups of its newly introduced alcohol-infused latte in collaboration with Kweichow Moutai, marking an all-time high in sales for the Chinese coffee chain. This achievement has significantly surpassed their previous successful product launches, including a cheese latte that managed to sell 1.31 million cups on its debut day and a coconut cloud latte with 660,000 cups sold.



The star of the show, the "sauce-flavored latte," priced at 38 yuan ($5.23), witnessed an immediate surge in popularity when Luckin Coffee decided to offer it at a promotional price of 19 yuan on its first day. This pricing strategy sent shockwaves through Chinese social media platforms, resulting in a frenzy among coffee enthusiasts. Consequently, the demand for this unique beverage was so overwhelming that it quickly sold out in numerous Luckin Coffee outlets across Beijing and Shanghai within a matter of hours.



Kweichow Moutai, renowned as China's national liquor, is a potent, colorless spirit traditionally reserved for special occasions and banquets. Drinkers often describe the flavor and aroma of Kweichow Moutai's version as reminiscent of soy sauce, giving this collaboration an intriguing twist by incorporating it into a coffee latte. Remarkably, despite its unconventional nature, this fusion has proven immensely popular among consumers, propelling Luckin Coffee to unprecedented success.



It's important to note that the companies behind this innovative beverage have emphasized that the alcohol content in the latte is less than 0.5% of its total volume, ensuring it remains within the permissible limits for general consumption. The 100 million yuan ($13.72 million) in sales generated on the first day underscores not only the Chinese market's appetite for unique and creative culinary experiences but also the potential for further unconventional beverage collaborations. This milestone firmly cements Luckin Coffee's position as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving world of coffee and beverage innovation.



Reference article: https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/chinas-luckin-sells-54-mln-moutai-alcohol-infused-lattes-day-2023-09-05/