
台北嘿掰講 Ep18 - 手機取代提款卡

Banks Look to Cellphones to replace A.T.M. Cards


台北嘿掰講 Ep18 - Banks Look to Cellphones to replace A.T.M. Cards




1. Umpteenth - very many 多次

2. Coffer - strong box for jewelry or valuables 儲蓄保管箱 (儲蓄)

3. Onerous - great effort / much trouble or worry 繁重,麻煩的

4. Put safeguards in place - set protection 設置保護機制

5. Fared (better/worse) - perform or do 進展

6. Knock on wood - not bring about the bad 敲木頭三下

Taipei Banter, where John and Gavin talk about the interesting things around the world.

更多台北嘿掰講, please visit http://www.15mins.today/taipei-banter-podcast