
台北嘿掰講 Ep19 - 日本端出菜泥美食

Japan adapts menus with purées to meet elderly needs

· 台北嘿掰講 Taipei Banter

台北嘿掰講 Ep19 - Japan adapts menus with purées to meet elderly needs




1. Puree - blended food 攪成泥的食物, 菜泥

2. Impediment - stop/delay from happening 障礙, 阻止

3. Turquoise/Cyan - greenish blue color 綠松石/青綠色

4. Foretaste - sign for what is about to come 預示

5. Gelatinous - like jelly 凝膠狀

Taipei Banter, where John and Gavin talk about the interesting things around the world.

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