
文法跟讀 In-Tense #022: 回顧過去進行式 Past Continuous Tense


Welcome to 15mins.today the home of English Shadowing.

I'm your host Gavin and this is InTense Episode 22, and in this episode we will be reviewing the past continuous or past progressive tense.

Great, okay let's get started.

Drill Sentences:

Was Jane sending the email? Yes, she was sending the email.

Was Jane sending the email? No, she was not sending the email.

Was the conference finishing on time? Yes, it was finishing on time.

Was the conference finishing on time? No, it was not finishing on time.

Were you attending the meeting? Yes, I was attending the meeting.

Were you attending the meeting? No, I was not attending the meeting.

Was Peter completing the report? Yes, he was completing the report.

Was Peter completing the report? No, he was not completing the report.

Were you staying at a hotel? Yes, I was staying at a hotel.

Were you staying at a hotel? No, I was not staying at a hotel.

Were John and Jane booking the tickets? Yes, they were booking the tickets.

Were John and Jane booking the tickets? No, they were not booking the tickets.

Were you visiting the museum? Yes, I was visiting the museum.

Were you visiting the museum? No, I was not visiting the museum.

Was Jeff rebooting the computer? Yes, he was rebooting the computer.

Was Jeff rebooting the computer? No, he was not rebooting the computer.

Was Anna backing up the files? Yes, she was backing up the files.

Was Anna backing up the files? No, she was not backing up the files.

Were you updating the drivers? Yes, I was updating the drivers.

Were you updating the drivers? No, I was not updating the drivers.

Great job everyone, keep repeating and I'll catch you in the next episode, bye-bye!
