
文法跟讀 In-Tense Ep.069: Subordinating Conjunctions 從屬連接詞

· 文法跟讀單元 In-Tense

Welcome to 15mins.today the home of English shadowing. I'm your host Gavin, and this is InTense Episode 69. Well guys, here we are. The last episode for conjunctions and we are doing subordinating conjunctionstoday. The third kind and these are conjunctions that connect an independent clause, full sentence, to a dependent clause which won't be complete sentence per se, maybe a fragment of one. So, if we look at an example, there are lists of these. Again, just Google subordinating conjunctions and you will find lists of them on there. So, it's just words, and is one of them, so also if, there are many, many more, and I think it's got to do more with how they are used in the sentence, so they might be difficult to spot. What I would suggest again, don't worry about it, just make sure you can spot that it is a conjunction. Let's look at an example, “I couldn't stay for my visa had expired.” That for there is the subordinating conjunction in this example. So, I think the easiest will be just to do some examples again if you want to list just Google. OK, let's look at some examples.

Did you meet Peter when you were in Paris? Yes, I met Peter when I was in Paris.

Did you meet Peter when you were in Paris? No, I did not meet him when I was in Paris.

Did Susan go although you begged her not to? Yes, she went, although I begged her not to.

Did Susan go, although you begged her not to? No, she did not go because I begged her not to

Was he promoted since he did well? Yes, he was promoted since he did well

Was he promoted since he did well? No, he was not promoted since he did well.

Can Simon go first as he is the most senior? Yes, he can go first as he is the most senior.

Can Simon go first as he is the most senior? No, he cannot go first because he is the most senior.

Would you have known if she hadn't called? Yes, I would have known, even if she hadn't called.

Would you have known if she hadn't called? No, I would not have known if she hadn't called.

Was he up until three trying to get it finished? Yes, he was up until three trying to get it finished.

Was he up until three trying to get it finished? No, he was not up until three trying to get it finished.

Are you embarrassed whenever you think about that? Yes, I am embarrassed whenever I think about that.

Are you embarrassed whenever you think about that? No, I am not embarrassed whenever I think about that.

Do you read while you are commuting? Yes, I read while I am commuting.

Do you read while you are commuting? No, I don't read while I am commuting.

Well, there you go guys, some examples. They drove me batty. I don't know if I messed up some of the grammar trying to change them into questions, because usually they are statements. So, if you want some good examples, just Google and you will find some great examples. Again, don't worry about it. Just as long as you can recognize that they are conjunctions. Well that's it then. I hope this helps. Take care and all of the best. Bye!
