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Topic : About India - Indian Bride Shuts Down Wedding After Groom Fails Her Math Test

An Indian bride canceled her wedding after her groom recited the multiplication table of two incorrectly.


A bride and groom who wish to remain unidentified were supposed to have the wedding for their arranged marriage on May 1 in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India.


Skeptical of her future husband’s educational background, the bride decided to test his knowledge during the ceremony.


When he failed to recite the multiplication table of two, the bride left, "saying that she could not marry someone who did not know basic math," reported INQUIRER.net.


The bride’s cousin stated that the groom’s family did not inform them of his lack of education, adding that the bride was "brave" for leaving the wedding venue.


The two families came to a compromise which included returning all gifts and jewelry to the appropriate parties.



Topic: India’s ’Angry Brides’ game wages war on dowry 印度「憤怒新娘」遊戲向嫁妝陋習宣戰

An online game in India called "Angry Brides" which seeks to highlight the problem of illegal dowry demands has attracted more than 270,000 fans.


The game by online matchmaker shaadi.com – inspired by the hugely popular "Angry Birds" game – sees players attack prospective grooms greedy for dowry with a variety of weapons, from a brick-red stiletto to a broomstick.


The three grooms – an engineer, a doctor and a pilot – dodge the attacks while demanding dowries starting at 1.5 million rupees. Each time a player hits a groom, he or she wins money towards a virtual anti-dowry fund.


The game, available as a free application on Facebook, has already attracted more than 272,000 "likes."


Paying and accepting a dowry in India has been illegal since 1961, but the centuries-old tradition of the bride’s parents presenting gifts of cash, clothes, jewellery, even appliances to the groom’s family remains strong.


Demands for dowry often persist well past the wedding ceremonies, and in the worst cases, brides are tortured and even murdered if they or their parents do not comply.

索取嫁妝的情況就算在婚禮後也揮之不去,在最壞的情況下,如果新娘或她們的父母不給嫁妝,新娘就會受到折磨甚至被謀殺。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1451980; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/565200

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Topic: About India - Toxic air in India linked to large number of miscarriages

Toxic air in India and other South Asian countries could be causing large numbers of miscarriages and stillbirths, scientists said.


A study in The Lancet medical journal estimated nearly 350,000 pregnancy losses a year in South Asia were linked to high pollution levels.


"Our findings ... (provide) further justification for urgent action to tackle dangerous levels of pollution," lead author Tao Xue of Peking University said in a statement.


They calculated that 7.1% of annual pregnancy losses were attributable to pollution above India’s air quality standard of 40 microgrammes per cubic metre (μg/m3), and 29·7% to pollution above the World Health Organization guideline of 10 μg/m3.

他們計算,每年7.1%的流產案例,歸因於高於印度空氣品質標準每立方公尺40微克(μg/m3)的污染,29.7%的案例歸因於高於世界衛生組織指南訂出10 μg/m3標準的污染。

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Topic: Indian inventor revs up corona car to drive home lockdown message 印度發明家設計冠狀病毒車宣導疫情訊息

A giant coronavirus is stalking the streets of southern India - propelled by a 100 cc engine and an inventor trying to drive home the message that Indians should stay indoors as the pandemic sweeps across the world.


Sudhakar Yadav’s wacky small single-seater car - made of fluorescent-green fibre and complete with the red crown-like spikes of the virus - has been racking up the miles in the tech hub of Hyderabad to remind fellow citizens of the dangers of COVID-19.


"People are not scared and are still... on the streets despite the clear danger," the 67-year-old Yadav, who runs a printing business, told AFP.


"My message through the car art is to make them understand that it is dangerous to be out on the streets and the safest place right now is the home."


Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1436119 ; https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1372432

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About India - ’Honk more, wait more’: Mumbai tests traffic lights that reward the patient driver

There is a truth universally acknowledged by drivers in India: honk your horn loud enough and the traffic lights will surely change to green.


But, fed up with impatient drivers inflicting a deafening roar every time they are forced to stop, police in Mumbai have come up with a new system to punish those who cannot wait at traffic lights in silence.


The new system was quite simple: "Honk more, wait more."


Mumbai police installed a rigged traffic light system to tackle the problem of "reckless honkers", which resets the red traffic signal every time the sound of car horns goes above 85 decibels. For particularly honk-happy drivers, it could mean a very long wait at the lights.


Mumbai was ranked as the fourth most congested city in the world, according to the TomTom traffic index, with 65% congestion and drivers spending an average of eight days and 17 hours in traffic each year.


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Topic: India returns alleged bird spy to Pakistan/印度把被指控的鳥間諜交還巴基斯坦

Indian police have released a pigeon belonging to a Pakistani fisherman after a probe found that the bird, which had flown across the contentious border between the nuclear-armed nations, was not a spy, two officials said on Friday.


The Pakistani owner of the pigeon had urged India to return his bird, which Indian villagers turned over to police after discovering it.


“It’s just an innocent bird,” Habibullah, the owner of the bird, who goes by just one name, told Reuters on Friday.


He rejected allegations that the numbers inscribed on a ring on the pigeon’s leg were codes meant for militant groups operating in the disputed region of Kashmir.


Habibullah, who lives in a village near the Kashmir border, one of the most militarised zones in the world, said the bird had participated in a pigeon racing contest and the digits on the bird’s leg were his mobile phone number.


In 2016, a pigeon was taken into Indian custody after it was found with a note threatening Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1377877 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1383670

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Topic: Violence in India Threatens Its Global Ambitions

Until recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s campaign to portray India as a rising power seemed to be ticking along despite troubles at home.


Much of the world remained quiet, or cautious, in recent months as India began locking up hundreds of opposition politicians and activists without charge across the country. Business executives say they are too afraid to speak out about shortcomings in the government’s economic strategy. The press complains of government intimidation.


Still, there was President Donald Trump last month, embracing Modi in New Delhi, where streets were dotted with posters declaring the “world’s oldest democracy meets the world’s largest democracy.”


But as the leaders celebrated each other in India’s capital, Hindu mobs began going after Muslim protesters in neighborhoods just a few miles away while the police looked on or joined in.


Freedom House, a nonpartisan democracy advocacy organization, flagged India as a major concern.


“The Indian government has taken its Hindu nationalist agenda to a new level with a succession of policies,” the group said, “threatening the democratic future of a country long seen as a potential bulwark of freedom in Asia and the world.”


In a rare move, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights filed a petition in India’s Supreme Court to challenge a citizenship law that critics say discriminates against Muslims. Some of India’s closest partners have begun criticizing its treatment of Muslims and migrants, with condemnations coming in from Iran, the United States, Bangladesh and elsewhere.


“If India loses that secular, democratic identity, then it loses what makes it different than other countries in Asia. We are all watching the riots in Delhi and worry they are going down a dangerous road that makes it harder for us to be a strong advocate for India,” said Rep. Ami Bera, a California Democrat who is the longest-serving Indian American in Congress.


One area where international officials believe that India may be particularly hurting itself is in its campaign to be granted a permanent seat at the U.N. Security Council along with other nuclear powers. Speaking on condition of anonymity, several diplomats, including some from countries that have publicly pushed for an Indian seat on the Security Council, say that their governments are now reluctant to push the issue after India’s domestic unrest has laid bare the effects of Hindu nationalism there.


Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/351636/web/