Medical research finds causes for lung cancer in non-smokers

不吸菸仍罹肺癌 醫界研究找原因


According to a new report on a study by the Health Promotion Administration (HPA) and Taiwan Lung Cancer Society (TLCC), 20 people in 1,000 who are non-smokers but who have risk factors such as a family history of cancer, exposure to secondhand smoke or smoky environments or who have lung disease, will develop lung cancer.

國民健康署、台灣肺癌學會進行一項最新研究發現,不吸菸的人若有家族病史、暴露在二手菸、油煙環境或有肺部疾病等危險因子,每 一千人約有二十個人會罹患肺癌。

According to WHO data, smoke is a major risk factor for lung cancer, but in Taiwan many people who have never smoked also develop the disease.


For this reason, in 2014 the HPA started working with the Health Research Institute and the TLCC on an eight-year research project on low dosage CAT scan screening for high lung cancer risk groups among non-smokers in Taiwan, to see what kind of non-smokers are in the group of those at risk of developing lung cancer.


The program is looking at members of the public who do not themselves smoke but who have a family history of lung cancer, who have a family member that does smoke, who are exposed to smoke or who have tuberculosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is estimated that the program will include 12,000 individuals, in the 55 to 75 high lung cancer incidence age group.


Preliminary research suggests that members of the public that do not smoke and yet have a family history of lung cancer, who are exposed to secondhand smoke or smoky environments and who have lung disease of some form have a 20 in 1,000 chance of developing lung cancer, which is a significantly high risk. As a result, it is a good idea for people in the 55 to 75 age group to get themselves screened for lung cancer.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2018/01/07/2003685295