According to the latest Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) survey on women and work, of the approximately 5 million married women aged 15 to 64 in 2016 in Taiwan, 2.21 million, or 42.76 percent, were not in employment. Of these, almost 95 percent had no intention of getting a job, with many — 46 percent — citing the need to look after their families as the main reason.
Among married women aged 15 to 64 in 2016, those who had a job and those who did not accounted for 2.96 million —57.24 percent — and 2.21 million — 42.76 percent — respectively, the survey shows.
Only 288,000, or 11.07 percent, in the age group neither working nor studying nor with plans to study intended to seek a job within 3 months.
Meanwhile, only 4.37 percent of married women in the age group who were neither working nor studying nor with plans to study expressed interest in employment. Of the remaining 95.63 percent who had no plans to enter the job market, 46 percent cited household chores and the need to take care of family members, such as children and seniors.
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