Nanhua volcano erupts for second time in four and a half months

相隔近四個半月 南化泥火山再度噴發了


Tainan’s Nanhua mud volcano erupted on April 9 for the first time this year. The eruption, which came 40 days later than the average time, has drawn much attention.


Lai Ming-chang, a history researcher who has been closely monitoring the Nanhua mud volcano for over a decade, says that the eruption occurred at 5am in the morning, when the geyser water became agitated. He considers it a normal release of energy but notes that it has been nearly four and a half months since the last eruption.


According to Lai, on average the mud volcano erupts every three months, with the last eruption occurring on Oct. 29 last year. Although the eruption last week occurred later than usual, its previous eruption lasted three days and released relatively more energy. In addition to that, the longest time the mud volcano has not had an eruption is 20 months. It was therefore not surprising that the eruption took place four and a half months after its previous one, Lai says.


Lai also notes that the Nanhua mud volcano is located in a private grove in Tainan’s Yushan Borough. It was originally an oil well drilled during the Japanese colonial era but was later abandoned.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/04/19/2003668964