Taipei Banter 台北嘿掰講 #3

Episode 3

第三集: Most Annoying Airline Passenger


Annoying passenger rankings 討厭乘客排名

So how do all the aggravating passengers stack up? Here's the full 2016 list:

1. The Rear Seat Kicker (cited by 64% of respondents) 踢椅背

2. Inattentive Parents (59%) 放任的家長

3. The Aromatic Passenger (55%) 狐臭乘客

4. The Audio Insensitive (49%) 音樂放很大聲

5. The Boozer (49%) 喝醉酒

6. Chatty Cathy (40%) 愛聊天

7. The Queue Jumper (35%) 喜歡插隊

8. Seat-Back Guy (35%) 椅背仰后到底

9. The Armrest Hog (34%) 搶靠手

10. Pungent Foodies (30%) 吃重口味食物

11. The Undresser (28%) 脫衣人

12. The Amorous (28%) 強曬恩愛

13. The Mad Bladder (22%) 一直上洗手間

14. The Single and Ready to Mingle (18%) 單身愛交友