“America’s Got Talent,” an American talent show on TV, posted a video featuring Taiwanese magician Will Tsai’s performance during a show on its Facebook page late last month. His superb magic has attracted over 40 million views within a few days.
The 33-year-old Tsai used coins for props, making them first disappear and then instantly reappear on the table, and even turned them into rose petals. He stunned the packed auditorium and received a standing ovation from the judges and audience. The video has also gone viral in Taiwan’s magic circles.
蔡威澤現年三十三歲,他讓桌上的道具硬幣瞬間消失又出現,還將硬幣變成玫瑰花瓣,評審及觀眾都看傻了眼,大家還為他起立鼓掌。 而影片一發布,也在台灣魔術圈瘋傳。
Tsai emigrated to Canada with his family when he was 15, and he started to learn magic after seeing a street magic show. When asked why he used NT$10 Taiwanese coins for the performance, he said the show was like a reflection of his own life: he chose to use coins from Taiwan, the country he will always think of as home.
Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/06/09/2003672169