Taiwanese student invents award-winning recycled paper slippers
台生發明再生紙拖鞋 勇奪國際設計金獎

Chen I-han, a student at the master’s program of Dayeh University’s College of Design and Arts, has designed slippers with replaceable soles made from recycled paper using a 3D printer. This has won her a gold in the sustainable development strategy, as well as an honorable mention, at the IDA Design Awards in the US.


According to Chen, the slippers, which are both environmentally friendly and durable, are made from recycled pulp. She has also designed replaceable soles that will allow users to attach new ones to the slippers after the original soles wear out, prolonging the product’s life cycle. Having replaceable soles also allows users to wear the same slippers indoors and outdoors by switching between two sets. Being able to wear the same shoes indoors and outdoors means more storage space in the shoe rack for other shoes.


Chen says her paper slippers are ideal for hotels, which can provide slippers with local characteristics, for guests to take home after their stay as souvenirs. Deguang digital design company has already obtained a patent for the replaceable sole design. The company is now preparing to produce samples of the final product. If things go well, the paper slippers will hit the market before the end of this year.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/05/31/2003671589