
精選詞彙 Vocab #018: Fingerprint, retina scans instead of passwords

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


Now that we have more and more accounts online and offline, information and identity security again need an upgrade. Banks are working towards phasing passwords out and opting for biometric security measures such as fingerprint, retina and facial scans for password.

Vocabulary and sample sentences:

Biometrics (biometry)- the application of statistical analysis to biological data.

  • I changed my lock to a biometric fingerprint lock.Apple iphone has opted for a biometric system

Log in / log out

  • You need to log in with your email and password
  • You need to log out by clicking this button 

Verification n. Verify v. – process of ensuring validity

  • You need some documents to verify your identity
  • Your biometric system will verify your fingerprint
  • When you open a bank account, you need to verify your identity. 

Short-lived adj. – something that did not last long

  • My dream of becoming a straight A student was short-lived.
  • VCD technology in South Africa was short-lived. 