
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.070: Removal and defacing of statues雕像的拆除和污損

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


This article talks about recent developments in the USA. In particular the removal and defacing of statues of historical figures who did terrible things, in the minds of some people.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences:

Deface: damage the appearance of something

  1. Did the protesters deface the building?
  2. Are walls in Taipei defaced with graffiti? 

Indigenous: belonging to a particular place

  1. Are the indigenous people of Taiwan represented in government?
  2. Does Taiwan have indigenous animals? 

Inflection: turning, bending / change in the form of a word especially regarding grammar / change in the pitch of your voice

  1. Does the inflection of adding and “s” in English make it more difficult to learn? 
  2. Are lectures with no inflection boring? 