
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.097: Incentives for matchmaking good for Japan? 日本媒合補助真的幫得到生育率嗎?



It’s a two-part article about Japan. First article discusses the low fertility rate in Japan is making the Japanese government allocating JPY2bn to boost birth rate. Human-run matchmaking services will now use AI to improve their clients’ chances of finding the right life partners that ultimately boost birth rate. Next article is about a shift in Japan government’s stance in its carbon policies. Japan is set to reduce 80% carbon footprint by 2050 and zero-emissions in the latter half of the century. It is the fifth-biggest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences:

Subsidize v. to support financially

  • Japan will subsidize local government running or stating projects that uses AI to matchmake people.
  • In 2019, Taiwan government subsidized the purchase of a new Gogoro electric motorcycle. 

Matchmaking n. the arranging of marriages or initiation of romantic relationships

  • My grandparents were introduced by a matchmaking agency.
  • Online matchmaking services are now booming in Asia. 

Emission n. – production and discharge of gas or radiation

  • Japan is going to reduce 80% of its carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Imported cars in Taiwan are taxed by their emission level. 
