
精選詞彙播客Vocab Ep.184: 雙語 Vocab ft. 週報時光機 台灣鐵道與鐵道相關慣用語你知多少? Taiwan railway trivia and idioms

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


早期台灣有「鐵道王國」的稱號,鐵道支線深入台灣各地,協助運送木材(Woods)、煤碳(Coal)、蔗糖(Cane Sugar)。然而在產業轉型下,早期依靠鐵路的相關事業(例如:林場、煤礦場)逐漸沒落,加上後續汽機車、公車等交通工具興盛,鐵路支線的需求降低,造就許多支線荒廢或是轉型觀光支線。

  • 台鐵冷知識1:台灣鐵路總共有幾站,總長多少公里?
  • 台鐵冷知識2:台鐵總共有幾條觀光支線?
  • 台鐵冷知識3:在觀光支線中,哪一條的車站最多?


支線:branch line


1.深澳線(鐵道自行車 Rail bike)

2.平溪線(天燈Sky Latern)


4.內灣線(內灣老街 - 野薑花粽Ginger lily rice dumpling)

5.集集線(南投集集 - 芭蕉Banana)




鐵道英語慣用語 English Idioms

That train has left the station 事情已成定局

Meaning: An option, choice, or opportunity is no longer available.

Example: I thought the internship programme was still open for applications, but it looks like that train has left the station.

Gravy train 肥缺;輕鬆好賺的工作/機會

Meaning: A situation in which someone can make a lot of money or gain many advantages for very little effort.

Example: Jack hopped on the gravy train when he married his wife, whose family owns one of the largest property companies in the world.

On the fast track 快速成功之路

Meaning: To make progress or achieve something more quickly than usual.

Example: This internship opportunity can equip you with the experience you need to be on the fast track for manager.