
台北嘿掰講 第15集 - 2018 台灣Google搜尋排行榜

A look at the top 10 terms searched on Google in Taiwan in 2018

台北嘿掰講 Episode 15 - A look at the top 10 terms searched on Google in Taiwan in 2018


#Taipeibanter #台北嘿掰講

Top 10 Google Searches in 2018 in Taiwan

  1. Football World Cup 世足
  2. Story of Yanxi Palace 延禧攻略
  3. Earthquake 地震
  4. Sports Lottery 運動彩卷
  5. Central Election Commission 中選會
  6. Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace 如懿傳
  7. Referendums 公投
  8. Han Kuo-yu 韓國瑜
  9. ELTA 愛爾達
  10. Vote Counting 計票

Based on the results of Google's report, many Taiwanese were among the estimated 3.4 billion people on planet earth who were glued to their screens to watch the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which was held in Russia from June 14 to July 16. It appears that many chose to bet on the games, as Taiwan Sports Lottery generated NT$7 billion (US$227 million) in sales from the FIFA World Cup, according to the company.

In second and sixth place on the list were the Chinese Qing Dynasty period dramas "Story of Yanxi Palace" and "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace." Both cover the behind the scenes lives of nobility during the Qinq Dynasty and have started a retro-craze in Taiwan, which was evident during this Halloween when costumesfrom the two shows prevailed over goblins and ghouls.

Taipei Banter, where John and Gavin talk about the interesting things around the world.

Article referred in the podcast:https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3595937

更多台北嘿掰講, please visit http://www.15mins.today/taipei-banter-podcast

備註: J​ohn + Gavin的嘿掰講影片目前還在測試中,請大家2019年盡請期待喔~