育兒路上的勞累往往沒有最佳解,很多時候只是需要認同與陪伴。歡迎來聽聽看我們的爸媽日常,希望有朝一日,世界上再沒有痛苦的父母,地獄不空誓不成佛,但恐怕...育兒路上的爸媽,只會越來越成魔 ( 笑 )
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主題: 英語慣用語系列 – 運動相關的慣用語 Sports related idioms
1. To drop the ball – 犯錯了/失誤了
Example: “You dropped the ball when you rejected that job offer.”
When you drop the ball, it means you made a stupid mistake or forgot something really important. In some situations, it also means you have given up before reaching your goal…which is definitely a mistake!
2. To give your best shot- 做出最好
Example: “Give this audition your best shot – you won’t regret it!”
Sometimes we feel insecure and worried, but we want something so much that we still decide to go after it. It could be a job interview, an audition, getting a date or moving abroad. In those situations, we must “give our best shot” – this means trying your best.
3. To be out of (someone’s) league- 高攀不上
Example: “She will never want to date me, look at her! She’s out of my league.”
When somebody is out of your league, it means they are much better or more successful than you are.
4. To stay ahead of the game- 保持領先
Example: “The deadline for the report is tomorrow, but I want to be ahead of the game, so I finished it yesterday.”
A smart way to be professional is to be prepared. Sometimes we have to predict what our competitors will do and know what their next move is going to be.
5. To throw in the towel- 放棄/投降
Example: “Are you going to throw in the towel just because your boss fired you? You can’t! Get up and look for a new job!”
Have you ever felt like giving up on something that felt very important to you? Maybe you were tired, exhausted, frustrated. If your answer is yes, it means you have wanted to “throw in the towel”.
Please think of two to three scenarios where you can use sports related idioms or share a story.