
每日跟讀#572: Second man cleared of virus invigorates quest for AIDS cure

醫界新曙光 全球第二例愛滋病毒全數清除


每日跟讀#572: Second man cleared of virus invigorates quest for AIDS cure

Scientific investigation into the world’s second man cleared of the AIDS virus is zooming in on a gene and a treatment side-effect, as newly-enthused researchers strive to find a cure for the disease that has killed millions.


Known as the “London Patient,” the man had HIV and a type of blood cancer called Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He responded successfully to a bone marrow transplant from a donor with rare genetic resistance to HIV infection. The transplant cleared the man’s cancer and his HIV, but the resistant genes may not be the sole cause of his HIV remission.


The London Patient’s case gives fresh hope to scientists and pharmaceutical researchers who have spent decades looking for ways to end AIDS. HIV expert Sharon Lewin said two factors were probably at play in his success story: the genetic resistance and a transplant side-effect that attacks immune cells.


“The new bone marrow is resistant to HIV, and also the new bone marrow is actively eliminating any HIV-infected cells through something called ‘graft versus host’ disease,” said Lewin, co-chair of the International AIDS Society’s cure research advisory board and a researcher at Australia’s Doherty Institute.


The London Patient joins the first case of this kind, Timothy Ray Brown — or the “Berlin Patient” — whose HIV was eradicated by a similar transplant treatment in 2007. It involved the destruction of his immune system and transplanted stem cells with a gene mutation called CCR5 that resists HIV.


The AIDS virus uses CCR5 to enter cells, but if the gene is mutated, HIV cannot latch onto cells and infect them. This “graft versus host” effect is akin to a deadly battle of two immune systems, explained Steven Deeks, an HIV expert at the University of California. The incoming transplanted donor-immune cells seek out and destroy all the host’s immune cells — including those in which HIV can hide out, he said.


“The transplant resulted in the complete destruction of the old immune system and the construction of a new immune system in which the (HIV) virus can’t replicate (because of the genetic mutation). That is the cure,” Deeks told Reuters. But such transplants are complex, expensive and highly risky to the patients, who would run a risk of dying in the process.


Some research teams in the US and elsewhere are developing gene-editing techniques to edit CCR5 cells outside of the body and reintroduce the edited cells back to patients. Specialists said this method has its limits, because it only edits some cells and leaves native wild type cells untouched in the body where HIV can still hide.


Other avenues are also being explored. Dan Barouch, a vaccine researcher at the Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, is working with the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences to develop what’s known as a “kick and kill” treatment. The idea is to use an initial drug to flush out HIV that is hiding from the immune system and then use standard antiretrovirals to kill the newly-exposed virus. Animal studies have shown hope, but it has not yet been proven in people.

科學家也在探索其它途徑。疫苗研究學家丹‧巴魯克,服務於隸屬哈佛大學的波士頓貝斯以色列女執事醫療中心,目前正在和藥廠 吉利德科學公司合作,研發所謂的「踢出並殺死」療法。其概念是使用一種初期藥物,把躲在免疫系統裡的愛滋病毒通通趕出來,然後再用正規的抗反轉錄病毒藥物,殺死新暴露出來的病毒。該療法已在動物實驗中展現可能性,但目前還未於人體證實。

“All HIV cure approaches in general are in their infancy,” he said in a telephone interview. Rare cases of remission, such as the London and Berlin patients “provide a lot of enthusiasm and motivation” for research teams and show that a cure can be achieved, he said, “but we still have a long way to go.”


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2019/03/17/2003711614/2
