
每日跟讀#682: About Vietnam - Hop-on and hop-off round Hà Nội

雙層觀光巴士一覽河內風光 |


每日跟讀#682: About Vietnam - Hop-on and hop-off round Hà Nội


Two open-topped bus routes have been serving tourists and locals in Ha Noi over the last year or so, providing exciting and flexible tours of Viet Nam’s capital.

紅色巴士是由Hanoi Transerco營運,而綠色及黃色巴士則是由Vietnam Sightseeing營運。兩家公司在國定假日都沒有歇息。

The red buses are run by Hanoi Transerco and the green and yellow ones are run by Vietnam Sightseeing. Both are operational during national holidays, including this long weekend.

去年五月,Hanoi Transerco首先祭出雙層巴士觀光路線 – 「河內城市行」(Hanoi City Tour)。

The Hanoi City Tour bus route run by Hanoi Transerco was the first route to be launched in May 2018.


There are headphones with audio guides in Vietnamese, Chinese, English, French, Korean, Japanese and Russian.


“Hanoi City Tour bus by Hanoi Transerco is the first of its kind in Hà Nội using two-decked buses and various modern facilities,” said Nguyễn Thế Hùng, deputy chairman of the city’s People’s Committee. “The bus has brought tourists one more high quality tourism product.”

而去年十一月另一條雙層巴士觀光路線:「越南觀光 – 昇龍河內城市行」(Vietnam Sightseeing – Thăng Long Hà Nội City Tour)開始運行,巴士顏色是綠色或黃色。

Since November 2018, another open-topped hop on hop off bus route marked ‘Vietnam Sightseeing – Thăng Long Hà Nội City Tour’, painted green and yellow, has been spotted around the city.


The passengers are mostly foreigners. Free drinks, raincoats, bamboo hats are offered on the bus.


台灣旅客赴越南成長15.9% 長榮、越捷12月開航峴港 | Growing tourism between Taiwan and Vietnam

越南是近期相當熱門的旅遊目的地,根據越南旅遊總局統計,2018 年造訪越南的台灣旅客較去年成長15.9% ,達 71 萬 4112 人次,為第 4 大客源。

Recently, Vietnam has become one of the most popular travel destinations for Taiwanese. According to Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, the country had approximately 710,000 visitors from Taiwan in 2018, which is a 15.9 percent growth as compared to the year before that, becoming the fourth country that sent the largest number of tourists to Vietnam.

越南旅客赴台觀光人次也逐年成長,2018 年達 49 萬人次,交通部觀光局也於今年成立駐胡志明市辦事處,加強宣傳活動招攬當地潛力客源。

The number of visitors from Vietnam to Taiwan has been on the rise as well, reaching 490,000 in 2018. Therefore, the year the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications established an office in Ho Chi Minh City to further promote tourism in Taiwan.

看好台灣旅客赴越南旅遊熱潮,除了胡志明市、河內兩大城市外,近期越來越多航空公司朝二線城市發展,遠東、捷星、越竹等航空公司已陸續開闢峴港直飛航線。另外,首次進軍台灣的越竹航空9月預備再開航下龍灣;捷星太平洋航空除台北-峴港,8 月 10 日也開始營運高雄-峴港航線。

Beside popular cities such as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, many airlines have been targeting second-tier cities, where new business opportunities are. For instance, Far Eastern Air Transport, Jetstar Airways and Bamboo Airways have all launched direct flights to Da Nang. Starting from Aug. 10, Jetstar Airways opened direct flights from Kaohsiung to Da Nang, so travelers don’t always have to fly from Taipei. Meanwhile, Bamboo Airways will be launching flights to Ha Long Bay this September.

長榮及越捷也宣布,12 月將開航峴港,即將於明年初開航的星宇航空,已向民航局申請峴港、芽莊、下龍灣直飛航線,另有台中-胡志明市包機。

EVA Air and VietJet Air have both also announced to start flying between Taiwan and Da Nang, starting in December. The new StarLux Airlines, which will start operating in the beginning of 2020, had already applied for air routes to Da Nang, Nha Trang, and Ha Long Bay, as well as charter flights from Taichung to Ho Chi Ming City.

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20190823-707332 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20190905-726858
