
每日跟讀#689: The best beef noodles in Taiwan

台灣最好吃的冠軍牛肉麵 |


每日跟讀#689: The best beef noodles in Taiwan


Back in the early rural days, however, Taiwan people didn’t really use cattle for its beef. Fleeing from a tumultuous war, many soldiers and their families came to Taiwan from all corners of China, but still missed the flavors of their native towns. Therefore, many began setting up stalls in the military dependents’ villages where they resided and put their cooking skills to good use. Soon, the aroma of all these unique Chinese ingredients began to fill the air.


It could be said that Taiwan’s beef noodles are an amalgamation of the vast variety of China’s dishes; whether it be Szechuan braised, Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles, or northeastern noodles, all of these authentic dishes can be tasted in Taiwan.

台灣人到底有多麼愛吃牛肉麵? 台灣賣牛肉麵的餐館或小攤,數量可是所有餐飲類的第一名,為了挑選出最好吃的牛肉麵,可是連續辦了十多年的牛肉麵比賽,更把台灣牛肉麵的美味介紹到全世界,甚至於國際認定的字典也將牛肉麵的英譯正式定為「New Row Mian」。

So just how much does Taiwan love beef noodles? The amount of beef noodles restaurants and vendors take first place in the food industry here. In its quest to find the most delicious version, Taiwan has organized an annual beef noodle competition for more than ten years. This Taiwanese specialty has now been exported all over the world, even translating the name into “New Row Mian”.

在多屆牛肉麵比賽獲獎的紀錄中,其中以台北晶華酒店獲獎的紅燒牛肉麵以及冠軍清燉牛肉麵,更是代表台灣將牛肉麵的美味在國際間大放異彩,曾被 CNN 以及許多國際媒體評為台灣最好吃的牛肉麵,以及來台灣不能錯過的美食,就連米其林評鑑也肯定台灣最美味的牛肉麵,就是台北晶華酒店的這兩碗麵。

Throughout these yearly competitions, Regent Taipei hotel’s Classic Braised Beef Noodles and Champion Clear Broth Beef Noodles stand out locally and on the international stage. Being reported as Taiwan’s most delicious beef noodles by CNN and other international media, even Michelin agrees with its champion status, making Regent Taipei’s two noodle specialties a must when visiting Taiwan.

榮獲第八屆台北國際牛肉麵冠軍的清燉牛肉麵,清燉湯頭將牛大骨、牛腱心塊和青蔥、薑、洋蔥分別煎炒,逼出香氣後再入鍋燉煮約 2-3 小時,為避免湯汁過度油膩,這 些食材煎炒過後還要以清水汆燙沖洗過。而清燉湯頭最重要的精隨牛大骨,更是在熬煮前先放入烤箱烤 50 分鐘,將牛油逼出烤出微焦的牛骨,如此熬煮出的湯頭更能充分顯現出牛肉湯特有的香味,湯汁卻不會太過油膩。

Winner of the 8th Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival, the Champion Clear Broth Beef Noodles is prepared first by cooking beef brisket with pan-fried scallions, ginger and onions, then boiled into a broth for two 2-3 hours. In order to avoid the broth getting too oily, the ingredients are thoroughly rinsed after being pan-fried.

喝一口看似清澈入口卻充滿濃郁牛肉香味的清燉高湯,這碗清燉牛肉麵擄獲眾多挑嘴老饕味蕾的另一個關鍵,就是這碗麵上面令人垂涎三尺,切成豪邁厚片的清燉牛肉片。選用澳洲進口的牛腱心,以清燉為基底添入蔬果調味後,加入桂皮,薑,蒜等香料,燜煮 2 小時將肉質燉得軟嫩,在舌尖味蕾間散發出高品質牛肉的鮮嫩甘甜美味。

The key to preparing the lines in the beef brisket, which is roasted in the oven for fifty minutes before boiling, releasing all the juices from the bones. The result is a clear broth with a marked beefy fragrance, while also reducing its oiliness. Other than the flavorful broth another element that has enticed everyone’s taste buds are the succulent, thickly cut chunks of beef. Made with h beef brisket and vegetables to heighten the broth’s flavor, cinnamon, ginger, garlic and other ingredients are added, as well. After a twohour long boil to make the meat soft and tender, it melts in the mouth, releasing a fresh, sweet taste.

另外一碗口味較重的紅燒牛肉麵,選用平均每頭牛只能切出 10 公斤的台灣本產牛腩 肉,靠近牛腹處的肉質富含油花且帶筋,先將肉質汆燙後淋上大量米酒,後與爆炒過 的蔥、薑、桂皮、八角,少許白胡椒等辛香料入鍋,以小火燉煮約 4 小時,尤其是已 經燉到軟嫩的牛筋,入口以舌尖抿壓,即能嘗到豐富滋味的膠質精華,富含油花的牛 腩肉經過燉煮後,稍微咀嚼在嘴裡散發的美味,只有當日新鮮的牛肉,才能夠呈現出 的鮮美滋味。

The Classic Braised Beef Noodles have a heavier taste. Made from 10 kg. of Taiwanese brisket, which is cut closer to belly, contains more oil and tendon. After blanching the meat, it’s drenched in strong rice wine. Then, it’s boiled in a low heated pot for four hours together with sautéed onions, ginger, cinnamon, and aniseed, along with a touch of white pepper and other spices. The resulting flavor of the tendon is particularly pungent, bringing out the taste and texture of this rich part of the meat. Just lightly chewing on this freshly prepared brisket is enough enjoy its savory juices.

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20190920-754918
