Apple’s push into wireless charging presents opportunities for Taiwanese manufacturers

無線充電獲蘋果加持 IC設計看俏


With Apple Inc’s iPhone X selling like hot cakes, investors are chasing after profits from the wireless charging market. Recently, stock prices have soared for integrated circuit design companies Generalplus Technology Inc, ENE Technology Inc, Holtek Semiconductor Inc and Nuvoton Technology Corp. Stock market analysts say that with Apple leading the way with wireless charging, they expect the technology’s adoption rate in mobile phones will begin to take off and believe Chinese mobile phone manufacturers will follow suit.

蘋果iPhone X 熱賣,無線充電題材持續受到市場資金追捧,IC設計類股凌通科技、迅杰科技、盛群半導體、新唐科技近期股價強勁,法人指出,無線充電功能在蘋果帶頭下,未來在手機的採用率可望提升,中國手機廠商有望跟進。

Holtek Semiconductor has recently experienced a marked increase in the number of clients enquiring about its wireless charging products and expects to ship up to 700,000 wireless charging units in the fourth quarter of this year — a huge increase on the 300,000 units shipped in the first three quarters. The company expects to ship a total of 1 million wireless charging units this year, but predicting universal adoption of the technology within the market, has set its sights on increasing this number to 3 million units for the following year.


Generalplus Technology has also recently won over clients, having achieved certification by the Wireless Power Consortium for its 5W and 15W wireless charging solutions. In addition to its wireless charging products, the company also produces audio control integrated circuits for the red hot Fingerlings toy, currently sweeping across US and European markets.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/11/14/2003682189