Ektra: the Reincarnation of a traditional camera?



In 1941, Kodak released the Kodak Ektra film camera. Now, 76 years later, the company has reincarnated this old brand name on a new smart phone device. The Ektra is very similar to a camera design in appearance, and uses a one-piece metal body. The rear and base of the body are covered in a synthetic material imitating a camera covering, and the bottom of the handset bulges out, functioning as a hand grip so it feels more like a camera to hold.

一九四一年,柯達推出了柯達Ektra底片相機,經過了七十六年,柯達重新將這個相機老品牌搬到智慧型手機上。柯達 Ektra在外型上採用近似相機的設計,採用一體成型金屬機身,機身背後、底部以仿相機蒙皮的塑膠材質覆蓋。手機底部的部分還刻意做了一個突起的握把,讓使用者在拿握時,可以更貼近相機的握感。

Naturally, the Kodak Ektra emphasizes the picture-taking function. The eye is immediately drawn to the large main lens on the back of the handset. Clearly, this design was chosen intentionally to conjure the look of a camera lens, even though the actual lens is quite small, taking up a modest amount of the centre.


The Ektra’s main taking lens is a 26.5mm equivalent with an f/2.0 aperture paired with a 21-mega pixel Sony IMX230 sensor. The handset can shoot 4K video and take HDR stills assisted with optical image stabilization (OIS) and phase-detection autofocus (PDAF). The lens on the front only has a 13-megapixel sensor, but the aperture is f/2.0, the same as the main lens, and is also assisted by PDAF focusing.

柯達Ektra主鏡頭規格二十六點五公釐、兩千一百萬畫素,採用 Sony IMX230 感光元件,光圈為f/2.0,可拍攝UHD影片、HDR照片,也支援OIS光學防手震、PDAF相位對焦。前鏡頭部分則為一千三百萬畫素,光圈與主鏡頭一樣為f/2.0,也支援PDAF相位對焦。

In photos taken outside on a sunny day the white balance is not very accurate, with several photos exhibiting a yellowish cast. Skies that were originally light blue come out gray, and white buildings take on a yellowish tinge.


When shooting indoors, the Kodak Ektra is capable of taking photos with very saturated colors, albeit not very accurate: bright colors tend to be rendered brighter than they actually were.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/04/02/2003667889