
每日英語跟讀 Ep.1003: About Indonesia - 印尼前第一夫人曬年輕美照!甜笑背後竟是顛沛的流亡生活 Former Indonesia First Lady wows fans with photos from exile days



【VoiceTube Vclass 九粒 Jolie 的生活英文口說入門課】

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  • 7 大生活情境英文單字庫
  • 最道地的美式發音
  • 自學也能像出國回來一樣


每日英語跟讀 Ep.1003: About Indonesia - Former Indonesia First Lady wows fans with photos from exile days

人氣日劇電影版續集《信用欺詐師JP : 公主篇》最近上映,眼尖的網友發現已故前印尼總統的遺孀 Dewi Sukarno 也出現在戲中,年屆八旬的她保養甚好,看起來仍十分年輕,掀起討論。戲如人生,Dewi Sukarn 的ㄧ生也同樣跌宕起伏,十分精彩。

Dewi Sukarno, the widow of the late Indonesian President, was recently featured in a sequel of the popular Japanese drama, “The Confidence Man JP: Princess,” to the delight of many fans. Dewi Sukarno, 80, was able to wow fans with her youthful looks. Behind her ageless beauty, however, is a life full of ups and downs, just like the film she starred in.

Dewi Sukarno 原名叫根本七保子(Naoko Nemoto),於1940年出生於日本。從小就天生麗質的她懷抱著演藝夢,高中時輟學去東京當俱樂部小姐,後來在19歲那年,在東京一間酒吧遇上當時 57 歲、到日本進行訪問的印尼前總統蘇加諾。

Dewi Sukarno, originally named Naoko Nemoto, was born in Japan in 1940. To achieve her dream of becoming a star, she quitted high school to work at a club where she learned singing and dancing. At the age of 19, she met the then 57-year-old Sukarno, the former president of Indonesia, in a Tokyo bar when he was on a visit to Japan.

儘管對方是有婦之夫,兩人還是一見鐘情,當年 Dewi 就隨著蘇加諾返回印尼,並成為他的情人。直到 1962 年兩人才正式結婚,Dewi 成為他的第三任妻子,也是印尼的總統夫人,經常出席重要社交場合,兩人還生了一個女兒Kartika。

The two fell in love at first sight. Despite Sukarno being married, Dewi returned to Indonesia with him that year as his lover.

可惜好景不常,1967 年印尼發生政變,蘇加諾被部下將領推翻,被囚於自家中,直到1970年去世。Dewi 則在叛變發後被迫帶著女兒 Kartika 流亡海外,在瑞士、巴黎和紐約等地居住。在蘇加諾死後,Dewi 靠著不減的魅力活躍於演藝圈,人人都稱她「Dewi夫人」。現在她經營自己的美妝和珠寶事業,偶爾會出現在日本電視節目中擔任選美評審,目前居住在東京。

Unfortunately, the sweet days didn’t last long. In 1967, a coup d’état broke out in Indonesia and Sukarno was overthrown by his subordinates. He remained under home arrest until his death in 1970. Dewi was forced to live in exile for a long time with her daughter Kartika in Switzerland, Paris and New York. After Sukarno’s death, Dewi became active in Japan’s show business with her unfailing charisma; she was known as “Mrs. Dewi”.

Living in Tokyo, she now runs her own beauty and jewelry business, while occasionally appearing as a beauty pageant judge on Japanese television.

Dewi 近日在Instagram上貼出流亡海外時與女兒的合照,她指出這些照片在 1967 年拍攝,當時她 27 歲、帶著6個月大的女兒從三藩市遷居到美國,再輾轉回巴黎拍下的。儘管當時過著顛沛流離的流亡生活,照片中的Dewi看起來依舊明艷動人、抱著女兒露出幸福甜笑,讓網友們看到後直呼「年輕的時候太美了」、「為母則強」。

Dewi recently posted photos of herself and her daughter from their exile on Instagram, with the captions explaining that the photos were taken in 1967 when she was 27 years old carrying her 6-month-old daughter Kartika moving between Japan, The States and Paris.

Despite the chaotic and struggling life of exile, Dewi still looks gorgeous in the photos, holding her daughter and smiling happily, prompting social media users to comment, “she was so beautiful when she was young,” and “Mothers become strong for their children”.

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20201103-1837117
